Coming back to this.

Felicity Rhyolite, an Essay:
1.) Fear: PTSD is an anxiety disorder. She is obsessed with the past and terrified of it repeating itself. When Shinsou Vaan Osiris was literally sent to H E Double Toothpicks, these fears intensified even more. She frets constantly about her loved ones being hurt and acts to keep them save. She is also insecure with her loved ones, wondering if they don't trust her or think poorly of her. She is terrified of being worthless and less than. Her PTSD can drive her to meltdowns and control her actions. Felicity is driven by horrible fear.
2.) Disgust: Felicity has a powerful morale compass and refuses to compromise it. She is sickened by injustice and feels tremendous guilt for her own actions. She gets defensive of her loved ones when they are insulted and rapidly moves to defend them. Felicity is disgusted with the state of the world and yearns for a solid black and white, right and wrong, to be established. She hates the grey.
3.) Anger: Felicity's anger is reactionary to the above two. When her fear and disgust are invalidated and crossed enough, she reacts explosively. She has anger issues, and since she tries not to feel sadness, anger is her go to emotional loop. She struggles to control herself when angered, but fear and disgust in the potential of violating her own morale code keeps her outbursts in check.
4.) Sadness: Felicity has a very melodramatic narrative style in my writing. She's not overly poetic or dramatic like Ashla could be, but her threads are permeated with her deep senses of loss and pain from her past. However, she forces herself to refuse to admit those emotions and her pain manifests in above emotions.
5.) Joy: Felicity used to be a very bright and energetic individual, then Ayleth and her family deaths happened. She can be in good moods and be happy, she is a free spirited personality. But she seldom feels true joy.

Now, lesser characters I won't write essays on:

Gwenael: Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger, Joy.
Hanuh: Sadness, Disgust, Anger, Fear, Joy.
Ashla: Edgy, Emo, wakemeupinside, crawlinginmyskin, Goth.