Carry the mage hunter? Oh, this was a sign of a good time. Ezra quietly adjusted their braid to a more comfortable position before putting Wheezy's other arm around their shoulders to help the weight distribution. As the rebel mage moved, the Homunculi watched the footprints behind them fade from view, leaving nothing more than freshly fallen snow. In an ideal world, the mage hunters would have no clue where they vanished off to from here. But, realistically, there was a very good chance there was a hunter who was much more competent who could figure out what they had done.

The two continued on, their third unwilling participant on their hike through the snow still taking a nap. Ezra had mixed feelings on the situation currently. A part of them enjoyed the silence and serenity of the forest. A part of them did not enjoy the silence of their new ally as the two of them carried the mage hunter's body along with them to whatever location they were headed to.

"So, is there a location in mind you wish to head to? Or are we just going to wander Salvar until we can leave this accursed place?" Ezra finally asked, purple eyes shooting a glance toward Atzar. Their tone wasn't sarcastic, but genuine in curiosity. What was the actual plan here? Leaving the human alone to fend for himself wasn't off the table yet, but the Homunculi felt that their odds were much better off if they didn't separate. Call it a hunch, or the threads of fate pulling them together for this ridiculous turn of events, but Ezra had to see whatever was happening through to the end. Maybe it would lead to the reason the Homunculi had come out to this snow-filled country in the first place.

"...And are you going to share your name at some point or should I just keep calling you nicknames based on your looks or personality?"