Elthas saw the three run off and burst forward in a speed rush to the nearest, he would not let them get away.

A townsfolk armed with a bow and arrow struck one of the fleers square in the spinal column, killing them. The captain quickly slayed the spell caster. The distraction that Sketch had provided was enough to turn the tide of battle.

Elthas... The Elf boy heard a voice in his head.

He stopped running at that point and the guards quickly dispatched the mad-fleeing Goblins. There were shouts and screams all around as Stonevale attempted to recover from the attack. Elthas saw the world as a mad blur, an adrenal rush. He was breathing heavily as he stood there. He lost track of his friends, Nevin, Sketch and Ezra. His eyes were crying at that point for the fallen. War takes everything from everyone...why did they attack...?

Elthas... He heard the voice again. Go back to Stonevale...they need your strength.

He had not realized how far he'd actually ran chasing The Goblins down.

The last Goblin was slain by his hands.

He'd run up behind it, and slit it's throat. Black ichor, blood, spilling everywhere. Elthas took several deep breaths as the forward guard caught up with him.

"Elthas!" The guardsman yelled. "You're hurt man, come back to town they are asking for you."

Elthas had only just noticed at that point that one of the goblins had managed to cleanly slice Elthas's chest. The dagger was poison etched, and that likely explained the voices he'd been hearing. Elthas looked at his friends as they slowly walked back. "I'll be all right once Nevin and the others treats me." Elthas felt the burning sting.

"It's been years since the last Goblin Raid." The Guardsman explained while they walked back to town.

The pain gradually got worse.

He clutched at his chest for a moment. "It's like Nevin said...these weren't normal Goblins."

"Only good Goblin, is a dead Goblin if you ask me." The guard said quickly and they both walked back to Stonevale.

Elthas shook his head, it was at that point that the feeling of paranoia gripped him. Why would they organize an attack NOW? The thought never sat with him. Something was off, and didn't add up in his mind. But he was hurt and didn't have the resources on his own to properly figure out the reason of the attack. Only five did that much damage... Elthas was crying at that point for his friends, and for the injured. He considered Stonevale to be a second home. Elthas had become Stonevale's adopted son.

Elthas saw Sketch and nodded towards the story teller. He walked towards him and smiled at him. "Thank you. You saved many with whatever it was that you did." He wanted to say more to the summoner, but his body gave out at that point. And he collapsed from the effects of the poison...

He hit the ground hard and his mind became a blur as he passed out.