The feelings of the alcohol was flowing through her system, giving the cat-girl a warm, sleepy relaxed feeling. Another yawn escaped her her soft lips, as a little meow followed suit. The cat-girl was hearing Nevin's explanation, about how he followed his own goals in both alchemy and nurturing his gift with blood magic. Hearing that more then likely the cult had been wiped from existence on althanas, made Rainee very happy. In a soft, sleepy voice the cat-mother murmurs "I"m glad the cult no longer exists, that your strength wiped them out from existing on althanas. It means that other young children like my daughter Mylie are safe from being used as pawns in their horrible sounding rituals!" she then hugged her little girl tightly against her chest, her mind wandered though to other dangers that always seemed to stumble against her naive little girl's path.

My little angel always seems to find trouble, no matter how hard I try to keep her safe! Her own natural curiosity puts her in harm's way! Hence why I have to keep a hawk's eye on her and never let her wander out of my sight! Otherwise, I know from experience the minute she wanders away from me, some evil being snatches her up to use her to gain magical power! Or against me! the sleepy-feeling was growing stronger inside the typically energetic cat-girl's body. Instinctively she begin to stroke her daughter's hair again, a mother taking comfort and pride in the little one that she was raising to be strong and know what needed to be done in this world.

Little meows and cute sounds was humming occasionally from Rain's mouth, meant to soothe and comfort her still sleeping kitten. In a loud a voice as she could manage the tired anthro purrs softly "Are you sure Nevin? I have more then enough coin to pay for the potion spills I caused. I don't mind at all paying for them because my tail caused them to tip over!" she then yawned again loudly, the sound echoing from her lips.

Feeling more groggy still, Rainee reached for her glass now filled with grape juice and begin to sip it quickly a small smile on her lips as she whispers softly "I think I overdid with the cat-nip AND the alcohol Nevin! I"m starting to feel quite sleepy!" a exhausted smile was on her lips, as she continued to drink the grape juice, letting the fresh sweet flavor soothe her now overworked mind and try to stave off some of the after-effects of both the cat-nip potion and liquor intake she had consumed into her body.