Nevin followed Stare's outstretched hand as she gestured into the darkness - her vision truly was remarkable, he knew that there was a turn somewhere in this gloom, but there was no way he would have been able to pinpoint it without basically running his hand along the wall until he found it. As the two of them walked down the corridor her studied her from the corner of his eye, making sure she was on the side that wasn't currently swollen up and throbbing in discomfort. She didn't seem to care about what he had done to the guard - had stared at the body with a slight bit of satisfaction gleaming in her eyes before moving onwards, giving the cooling corpse no comment. Nevin wished for a moment that they had the time for him to pull an essence of vitality from one of the two bodies that they had left behind, but that thought vanished almost as soon as it came into his head - he would not be working blood magic on blood from a sentient, unless it was donated as Stare's had been. That way led the end goal of the cult, and he was not about to advance their goals by doing what they had wanted him to do.

Then they reached the corner and she motioned for him to stop, peering around the corner carefully as she did so. Nevin knew what she was seeing - the stairs that he had been dragged down. It wasn't far past them to the next corridor, the one where the man who inspected him and had recognized him as the hunter's target had his office. The blood mage gritted his teeth, flexing his wrist slightly as he readied the threads of red that were currently coiled around his arm under his sleeve. Soft steps carried him past her, one finger pressed against his lips as he padded quietly up the stairs - not as smoothly as she would have been able to do in most circumstances, but right now his legs were uninjured, and if someone came out onto the stairs when they were ascending them being able to move with a sudden burst of speed may prove vital.

So up he went, moving as silently as he could, gripping the club in his hand as he moved along the stairs. He reached the corner and paused, twisting his head around the corner to peer around it with his good eye. The stairs continued upwards, the light growing brighter as they reached the area of the building that was normally occupied, more torches placed along the walls. They'd lose what element of stealth they'd had down in this corridor - but they were out of the cell block now - surprise would still be on their side, if they could get rid of any patrolling individuals before they raised the alarm. Nevin twisted his wrist in a gesture to follow and slid around the corner, his eyes probing the hallway beyond to see if there was anyone currently walking down it.

It was... easy for him to see where the man's office was. A normal person might have missed it - but Nevin couldn't as his magic sang to him - his blood left a trail behind him from the cuts, and the largest amount was singing to him from further down the hall. It wasn't the room itself, but the choir on his skin could guide the blood mage back along the route his blood had marked. But Nevin saw something that made him freeze - sitting in a chair, either half or fully asleep, was a guard sitting in front of an unmarked doorway. The odd thing was, the doorway had a large iron lock sitting on it, and the dozing guard had a key for it hanging off his belt. There were a few things that could be in the room - their gear perhaps, or another prisoner maybe? Or just a treasury for this band of bounty hunters? Nevin waited for his friend to catch up and whispered to her.

"The room I was examined in is further down this hall. Should we investigate that locked door or head there? I don't see the way out yet unfortunately." His words were spoken in a hushed tone as kept one eye on the guard to make sure they hadn't been heard.