Enchanting advanced potions? Yeah, that made sense.

Now that her tiny friend seemed okay, Daugi settled down and started itching her side rather determinedly as Fenn patted her and thought about their current situation. It didn’t look as if the alchemist was on the verge of throwing them out. Maybe he couldn’t throw them out. You know. Because direwolf. The realization that he could possibly exploit this tamed-a-spooky-direwolf situation to get free stuff out of shopkeepers flickered in his mind. Flickered, then sputtered out. Fenn was a thief through and through, but he wasn’t mean. Usually.

SORRY FOR FLEAS INSIDE, AND PUKE, the boy scrawled sheepishly. Even if he was sorry, he was bot particularly planning on cleaning it up himself. FLEA FIX NEED STILL? PAY FOR IT AND CANDY WITH WHAT HAVE? NO IRON IN FIX, ALSO? BURNS. THOUGHT TO MENTION.

After whatever-the-hell had been in that candy, Fenn figured it was better not to take chances with this stuff. He was still kind of wobbly and woozy. Maybe some real food would make him feel better — he resolved to snatch something fresh from the nearest bakery as soon as his business here was concluded, and maybe grab a few wallets along the way. That was, if Daugi didn’t scare everyone away first…

This was why she normally waited outside towns.