Nevin stood up, sore and tired from the fight. Even if he had avoided actual damage from the totemic beast, it had smashed into his shield a few times, and he had had to let it grab him to enact his plan to beat it. While he hadn't been touched by the corrosive, or absorbing fluid, it had put a great deal of pressure on him through threads. But it looked like he had come out of his fight better than Elthas had - the Elf was limping, and one eye was clamped shut.

But he had survivors. Five people, four following him and one in his arms. Nevin's hand curled into a fist as he stared at them before nodding. Getting these people home and safe was their top priority - he would come back and scour the earth of the signs of the Goblins once these people were securely in Stonevale.

High above, Aphrael began circling the travelers, her keen eyes scouring the night, making sure no Goblins snuck up on them as they traveled back to the town. He kept quiet as they walked, mulling over the events that had happened. The totemic beast had been a dangerous foe, and most conventional means of combat would have been utterly ineffective against it. Was it designed to be a weapon of war, or of terror? Either way, it would have devastated the town. The Goblins, it seemed, were quite serious about their war this time.