There was ... a flash there, a spark of happiness or something similar to it. It was the opposite of Nevin's own normal smiles - his were merely on the face and rarely reached his eyes, while Vaeron seemed amused or happy, but his face didn't show it beyond a tightening of the muscles around the lips. The scars, then, and they looked like they pained him even now. Which made sense - the facial muscles were normally extremely mobile, so it was likely that, without proper treatment for the wounds that had given the large man the scars, the muscles there had been damaged and never given a proper chance to heal. Nevin thought for a moment of offering him one of the salves he had in the store - but he didn't know if he had any that would be effective enough to help. Perhaps he could raise the subject at a later date, after finding more potent formula. For now though, he cleared his throat and shook his head with a raised eyebrow.

"I am hardly going to call the limited guard of the area on you. Discounting the fact that they have enough on their hands with the agitated Goblins nearby, I am the one who placed the offer and asked for information. No, calling the guard on a customer would be rather stupid. Now then. You say unsavoury individuals, and animals. Do you have any specific races in mind at the moment, or would you just like something that can affect humans for the time being?" The offer of a job was.... interesting, to say the least. From the comments that Celandine had made, her mother was a rather important individual. Having a 'sponsor', or a wealthy buyer.... it was an intriguing prospect. He drummed his fingers on the counter as he thought.

"I cannot say I'd be adverse to having a regular client who needs something other than Miner's Delight. Poison making is something that, while I can do, I have not had as much chance to practice. I'd be grateful to do so.
Hmm. Yes. I'm thinking of opening a shop in Radasanth in the future, that location might be easier to reach than this here out in Stonevale. And I can certainly achieve non-lethal poisons as well. Pain, hallucinations, fever, things that can mimic illnesses... Yes, I think I could be of service to you in the future."
Nevin's tone had grown thoughtful as he tapped his pencil against his notepad. He had jotted down 'humanoid' and 'animal' on the page , and circled both lethal and non-lethal as Vaeron spoke - reminders to himself that the man would be interested in both kinds of product in the future.