Vitruvion took a pause, letting his eyes quickly take in the alchemist again before switching back to join eye contact. He tapped an errant finger on the brass owl of his staff, considering for a moment with how to reply. At some point, he was certain, Nevin would figure out his identity. That or he would straight forward tell him.

“If one has wisdom enough then they can use other distinctive features other than the colour of hair, or eyes to find a person. I have-” he paused, thinking how best to say he had found him without relating too much of his power and abilities. “Let's say I am skilled at asking questions. Without raising too much suspicion, do not worry. You need not fear any danger from … enemies from me.”

He briefly pushed his way into Stare's mind, taking note of the various things she had found out about Nevin's cultist relations. Those who might be searching for him. Vitruvion certainly considered it in his personal interest to not lose the alchemist to any others.

“I promise I will not harm you, how is that?”

He inclined his head, slightly.

Nevin paused for a moment, staring at the man with narrowed eyes. He was at this point almost certain that this man was related in some way to Avis. She was one of the few who knew enough about him to give someone guidance on what he looked like, enough to identify him even missing one of his characteristic features. At least, the only one who was near the area.

So when the man promised no violence, Nevin nodded slightly. He would at the least hear this stranger out before he resumed his hunt for the cult. So he looked around, and spotted an open air cafe a short distance away. He inclined his head in that direction.

“Very well. Let's discuss this over some refreshments then, shall we? I'm sure you weren't looking for me for hours simply to say hello.”

Vitruvion's lips parted slightly, and his brows pushed to the sky as he looked over the cafe briefly. It was a street place, full of many different classes of people, no where near what he was used to. But the alchemist was offering time to speak to him - it meant Vitruvion could continue this interesting game for awhile longer before he decided truly if Nevin was allowed to stay in Stare's life. Letting out a slight disgruntled grunt he nodded, and turned.

“Whyever not? I guess one must act plebeian sometime,” and he let an amused glint come to his eye before heading over, his cane clacking once as he picked it up. Taking a moment to ascertain Stare was still busy and not likely to come across them suddenly he waited for Nevin to join him at the stall.

Nevin slowly walked behind the man, one hairless brow quirked in mild exasperation. The man who had found him was obviously used to more upscale situations than this, but he was the one who tracked Nevin down in the middle of the street while he was busy. At least he was willing to go along with it.

Nevin got a hot tea and moved to an empty spot, away from the others. He blew across the tea to cool it down before sipping it.

“So. Why has an agent of Vitruvion tracked me down? I'm sure he has other things on his plate than having you find me.”

Vitruvion was just dropping into the seat across from Nevin when the alchemist spoke. Immediately, upon hearing his name he glanced up, fixing him with an icy stare. His body tensed, ears picking at every syllable Nevin said as he listened, lips slowly parting.

There was a long pause as he was given various options. Amusement and then intrigue flittered through his mind. Pride, a willingness to continue this game, and decision whether to just admit it outright.