"Why the fuck did you have to go do that?" she asked under her breath, anger rushing back as they strode away. "He's my friend not one of your ... Projects."

"I was interested in him," Vitruvion replied, rather openly and honestly, "And you think of him so often. It was only my right to find out why."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms as they walked, her eyes scanning the people briefly they passed. It was only very fast as a look, for Vitruvion walked always with a purposeful gait, but she was surprised at the vast amount of neutral-spirited individuals there were. Stare kept her aura sight on as they rushed away from the cafe and Nevin, the city waiting.

"I see you haven't told him about our arrangement," Vitruvion said softly as he twisted around a corner.

"Arrangement?" She asked, confused.

He flashed her an image of the document that she had torn, that which tied her to Vitruvion in more ways than one. Stare stumbled slightly with the reminder of it and it made her blood run cold.

We agreed it was to remain a secret, she said to him clearly in her mind. Nevin would be the last person I want knowing. A panic suddenly settled inside her. Wait, did you tell him?

He let the uneasiness consume her for a single, cruel second before he answered. I did not. You have not disappointed me that much as yet. I simply thought that as you told him about your cuff ...

She breathed in tight. Being a fucking slave is far more detrimental to my identity, on a personal level, thanks.

Vitruvion raised his brows a little, That is how you see it. I just see me protecting what was already mine by international law. That and it was for your safety. He straightened and struck out with his cane to make his stride more powerful in its view. This I have told you many times before. I have not treated you as society would expect me to. You are paid when I do not need to. Deal with the life you have, Stare, I need you.

Her discomfort reigned but it was a steady one now, that she knew well. She hugged herself tighter as they wound their way through the streets, eyes glancing around once more. Here she was, a kenku following the direct son of the being who had created her race, created her, in far better shape than she had been in a long time. Yes Vitruvion was far from perfect, but he had power and he had knowledge. He did pay her well, and he did trust her to some extent, which was nice, it was just difficult in the long term acknowledging exactly who she was working for and under what circumstances her employment fell. Vitruvion could, by some laws, treat her as he wanted - lock her up, rape her, abuse her - but he didn't. He had good qualities amongst his very dark ones, and Stare had to admit them as lights in the great shadow she lived in.

They got to the grand hotel that she had found, and Vitruvion glanced at the title - 'Radasanth Royal' - before heading in. He passed under the row of ten white arches that made the front of the building, before heading straight through the front door.

The first room was a great, panelled and tiled hall, with a great gilt bar open upon it. Few patrons lounged in sumptuous armchairs, all each as noble looking as Vitruvion.

Clack, clack. He strode straight for the bar. A stunning woman smiled at him as he stopped before her and gestured behind him at Stare.

"My servant here made a reservation for us."

The word 'servant' made Stare pause for a moment and blink, as she had never thought of it that way. But then she considered it and grunted to herself quietly, at least preferring it to 'slave'. She was employed by him, and even though her official title was his 'steward,' 'servant' also worked. Money was exchanged for services rendered.

"Yes of course," the woman looked at Stare and acknowledged her with an elegant flash of teeth. "Sir Elssmith, of course. It is an honour sir. Your servant was shown the rooms before and can take you there again."

And she held out a large, iron key. Vitruvion opened his palm and she dropped it in, before dipping down into a curtsey. He gave a short nod before twisting around and raising an eyebrow at Stare. Sucking her breath in she pointed to a door at the back of the room and quickly started there.

"Servant," she tested in a whisper.

"Indeed," Vitruvion murmured back.

She sucked in her breath and started ascending the stairs, thinking about Nevin and how they had left him. The bald man has simply merged into the crowd, becoming another individual in the many that Vitruvion had deliberately sought out. It was partly to spite her, she was sure, but also likely true that he did it to satiate his own curiousity. If she had known what he was doing she likely would have tried to stop him. As Vitruvion had said it was part of his right, and part of his natural style to find out what Nevin was like for his own.

They came to a small corridor, and then an oak door that Stare gestured to. Vitruvion produced the key in his hand and set it against the lock. When it opened a suite of bright rooms lay before them - an open small lounge with three armchairs and it's own fireplace, that led into a large bedroom that could be spied. He strode in with eyebrows raised, looking at the cream and yellow gold colour.

From the grand bedroom was another room that served as a small closet. And then off from that itself was a fourth and final room, with was tiny and bore a simple single bed along with a tiny cabinet. Already in the larger bedroom and in the smaller were two bags neatly placed - the memory of Stare's presence here already.

"Hmm, it'll do," Vitruvion said. "Might be worth buying a house in this city though, if the brewery proves fruitful." He nodded a few times at the furniture, then strode to go sink onto the larger bed.