(Closed to Ashla)

Scara Brae area...

Somewhere near the main city of Scara Brae, Lorenor sat by a stream.

He always did like the flowing, moving water...it calmed his troubled mind.

Across the ages, there had always been a man named Lorenor. Be it whatever type of Undead he was at the time, he always bore the same name. Lorenor. Hero. Saint. Prophet. Whatever you wanted to call him, he had been there at the end of The Demon War. At every major epoch of Althanas history, and more recently...he'd been present at the fall of Eiskalt. Though his participation had been minimal at best, he'd struggled with the mass genocide that had occurred. He didn't have all of the details yet, but he knew that the Assassin; Lichensith Ulroke was partially responsible. Madison Freebird had also been present and several other known Villains, murderers, evil doers in general.

Though some agents of The Darkness attempted to hide behind false pretenses and false motivations, they were still agents of Darkness. Lorenor had chosen his side. He represented The Holy Light, no matter what that would bring to him. He was a devout Paladin of a mysterious order of Paladins. Lorenor sat in front of the streaming river, his upper body exposed. He was in very good shape, muscular and well built. His weapon lay on the ground next to him, ready to be summoned at a moment's notice. The old Paladin was bare foot, wearing only his pants. His belongings were next to him folded up neatly. Or in his bag. His chest rose up and down casually with every breath he took.

He reminded himself of the time he met Fenn in such a way. Meditating outside of the hallowed grounds of an old ruins. The ruins was the former headquarters of The Ixian Knights. For a small time, Lorenor considered bringing the old Guild back to full prosperity. The Holy Light advised against him since a new piece of information landed on his lap recently. The Tablet of The Ixian Knights was no more. So Lorenor was no longer bound to the old Guild, nor Sei Orlouge. He was troubled as he meditated, communing with The Holy Light.

He meditated like that often. Trying to allow his troubles, the troubles of the world to simply flow. During one such meditation session...he'd met Fenn. The young Fae Adventurer. He'd admittedly liked The Fae boy.

The Holy Light showed him things...visions, images. And at that moment he had an image of someone who needed help. Someone familiar, but The Holy Light was only revealing a shadowy image to him at that point. That was what he needed to do next. In the mean time, he remained in deep meditation. His eyes opened at that point...glowing with a blue energy. Whatever fate would bring him at that point...he would be an Agent of change as he always was.

His body glowed with the brilliant after effect of The Holy Light. It was his aura and it flared up around him. He sensed a presence approaching him...

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