Ezra was, Nevin decided, an example of the worst kind of people that the world had to offer. As someone who typically worked later into the night, long after the rest of the townsfolk had gone to bed, Ezra was his polar opposite - except she wasn't because he doubted she even actually needed sleep aside from helping to maintain her facade. Still, as 'she' walled in, with a bright smile and a slight skip in her step, Nevin had to bite back a slight groan. In the end, she was, after all,...

"A morning person." The words slipped from his lips unintentionally, filled with exasperation as he trudged back over to the counter where she was now leaning. It would be at least another twenty minutes before he was fully capable of dealing with people - most of his regular customers at this point knew coming in in the afternoon would get them less surly service. He caught the slightly quizzical tilt of her head and sighed.

"Whoever 'raised' you apparently did not mind being awake in mornings - or you developed the habit elsewhere. Some people can operate well in the mornings, other operate better at night. I myself am in the latter category. You may want to decide which you prefer and stick to that whole here - it is more natural to be more active during a certain portion of the day and less so at another, so emulating that will help you fit in better. Just be aware that people who fall into the latter category tend to get irritated with those who are bright and chipper in the mornings." With that, weary foot steps carried him into the kitchen, where he rescued the mug from the sink and began brewing more tea. Over his shoulder he called out to her.

"Would you like any tea or juice today?" A polite offer - one he didn't know if she'd take him up on. Even as he made it though, he was keeping an eye on the door. It was only a matter of time now before the first customers of the day began to trickle in. He fully intended to let Ezra handle as much as they could, but was ready to intervene if it looked like the white haired girl was getting overwhelmed.