Blackberry.... Hm. Nevin drummed the pencil against his notebook as the other two spoke, running through interactions in his mind to see if the numbing agent - a potent, and lethal, hallucinogenic for Snow Fae - would react adversely. No, no it shouldn't. Nor should it or the sedative be affected by being dissolved in tea. He nodded and focused his gaze back on the two.

"No. Unless there is something you aren't telling me about the subject, the blend should make them drowsy, and then sleep. They might see a few strange things which should be put off as exhaustion,
and then pass in their sleep if nothing interrupts it. If they're kept awake, they'll descend into a hallucinogenic state similar to what you experienced. Now then. This will have to be custom made, so I'll need you to come back in a few days to actually pick it up."
Nevin sneezed and rubbed his nose with a frown of irritation.

He wasn't about to interject himself into Ezra's answering as to her nature - that was not his secret to share. It was... Strange to think about though. Nevin had been working on deciphering the alchemical runes - and while he couldn't process what the necromancy runes were about, he had seen a few that dealt with nullifying rejection. Just what had gone into the Homunculus' construction?

He would also need to talk with the androgynous one about what he would be working on for Fenn. No need to have her be freaking out about one of the darker aspects of Alchemy. He hadn't intended on introducing her to it yet, but he wasn't about to shy away either.