Ezra listened calmly to Nevin's explanation of the candy and the negative effects that it had had on the little fae. They watched as Nevin placed one of the candies in his mouth, and instinctively raised their hand to slap it out of his mouth. If it had been near fatal for Fenn, why would the alchemist eat the candy that nearly killed the Fae? Their hand faltered as they realized his words a little more carefully. It was poisonous to Fae, but he said nothing about humans. So maybe the candy was fine? The homunculi reached over as far as they could, grabbing one of the other candies from the container. The wrapper was a faded pink in color, and they could only stare at it for the longest time before slowly unwrapping the confection and placing it into their mouth.


Far too sweet.

With a noise of disgust, the homunculus spit the candy out of their mouth as quickly as possible, the orb speeding into the counter and bouncing a few times before coming to rest near the edge by Fenn.

"That was far too sweet. It tasted like pure sugar with some sort of berry juice. Strawberry, perhaps? And people actually like to ingest said treats?" Ezra asked finally, staring at the candy with disdain. "People are quite strange."

They turned to Fenn, whose message they had caught glimpses of in between their bout with the candy. "Of course I will feed you, Fenn. You would be my guest, so of course food would be provided. And why do I want you?" They blinked, looking between Nevin and Fenn for a long moment. Honesty was important, and lying was something that wasn't good. They weren't sure why, but the idea of lies in general often left them with a sick feeling in their stomach. Not telling the whole truth was an entirely different matter, but actual lies were bad. But do they mention the vision? That deep down, the idea of taking care of a child was something they were drawn to? Ezoreth had no heirs to speak of, so where was this feeling of parental instinct coming from? Did it have something to do with that vision they saw of the infant? Was that a sign?

Ezra realized that they had remained motionless and quiet for far too long, then looked down at Fenn. "To be honest, Fenn, it is... complicated. I suppose the easiest explanation I could give you is that I believe a child deserves a roof over their head and to be assisted to survive in a world where the darkness is lurking around every corner. I have seen less than desirable things on my travels and the idea of a child travelling alone, regardless of your fae abilities, concerns me about your well-being. But, I would also like to learn more about you and your kind, as I have yet to meet a faerie until this point. So would you be so kind as to listen to my inqueries?"

They turned to Nevin. "And, Sir Nevin, why would you put a numbing agent in the candy? Was it to dilute the overly sweet flavor of said candy? Because it is far too sweet."