The figure that came shrieking and sobbing into existence above the circle was beautiful, even in her furious grief. Even in her faded, ethereal state, partially translucent, she was a sight to behold. Thick red hair framed a delicate face with sharp features, and then fell down her back in cascading locks. Vibrant green eyes pierced Nevin, stabbing right through the man, the color or a forest enraged. She was small, only a little larger than Fenn, though her features were clearly those of an adult. With a start, Nevin realized he was looking at another Fae, though this one was definitely of a different race than his small friend.

Furious eyes latched onto his as the ghostly Fae screamed at him, her hands curling into fists as she glared at the alchemist. “Fantastic. Another human here. What more can you take from me!? Have I not suffered enough already!? Your kind has done nothing but curse me into slavery and abused my body. And for what? To defy the very laws of nature itself in order to prolong your feeble lifespans. Begone, child, or I will…” The ghost trailed off, looking down at her transparent hands, as Nevin stared at her with his mouth slightly agape.

The cadence was wrong, the inflections ones she would never use - but that was Ezra’s voice, full of more emotion in those few words than he had ever heard his apprentice show. His mouth went dry as he tried to swallow, his muscles clenching but no moisture being produced. He had a terrible, terrible suspicion. “Mi-Miss. I…” His voice was a rasp as he tried to find the words to speak.

“Miss. I… I am sorry, but I - I have nothing to do with the one responsible for your state. I… Didn't even know you were down here, and only came because of a trap. I'm sorry. I - your body, it was -” combined with what she had already said, Nevin had a terrible feeling he knew what had happened. Somehow, Ezoreth had gotten his hands on this Fae, holding her captive somehow - and mutilated her body to use as parts for his crowning achievement, his attempt at escaping death.

He was looking at Ezra’s past. And he felt a deep shame, for being even loosely the same species as the monster responsible for twisting nature like this. He bowed his head to hide his face. “I - I think what the mad man attempted failed him in the end. The tower here is destroyed, and I have met the individual he created - there are no signs of his madness within them.”

“His work still lives!? DESTROY IT. BANISH IT FROM THIS PLANE!” The voice distorted, layers of high pitched shrieking and low guttural tones meshing horribly as the spirit’s form distorted. “That… that thing is an abomination! He stole from me, lied, defiled a spirit of nature! That fool damned me to suffer, and now has given one of those foul nightmares even more power! If that man’s soul is still within that body, you must end it. You must end it now, before things can get worse!” She paused, her rage subsiding as soon as it had flared. She began to sob, ethereal tears streaking down her cheeks.

“I have lost too much. He is a monster! Your kind is filled with nothing but greedy, ravenous beasts who love nothing more than to prey on the unaware! I curse your kind to an eternity of misery and woe and damn the consequences of my words! I HATE YOUR KIND, YOU FILTHY LITTLE CRETINS!”