Ezra blinked, watching the kenku for a long moment.

"Stare is a curious name." They finally answered, shifting back to the kitchen to start preparing the tea. They began to rummage through the cabinets looking for the kettle, mentally slapping themselves when they found it already over the fireplace. After a few moments of struggling to rekindle the flame, they were able to successfully light a fire and began brewing the water. They weren't entirely sure when it would be safe enough to drink, but they could estimate it well enough.

Now, to focus on Stare's request.

The avian wanted to know what they were and believed they talked too much. It wasn't intentional, to be fair. This was the first kenku they had ever met, and to be a friend of Nevin's atop of that? Why, it was almost too good to be true! Ezra had seen behavior like this before from a few of the other villagers before. This was the feeling of nervousness, and this line of questioning was a dangerous one. It could end very badly, with one of them likely slain and Nevin's shop destroyed in the crossfire. So Ezra took a deep breath and once again returned to their spot behind the counter, and just eyed Stare with an almost judging glance.

"So, Stare," They finally started, trying their best to keep their breathing even, "I do believe I gave my name to you when you first walked into the shop, but you might have been distracted and missed it. My name is Ezra, and I am an assistant to Sir Nevin here in his shop. As for what in 'Ansaldo's balls' I am, well, that is a little more complicated to explain. It is not something I so easily share with people I have only just met, so do understand my hesitation in just giving you an answer straight away."

They trailed their fingers across the wooden counters, as if in thought. After a few moments, the homunculus would look up at Stare, purple eyes seeming to dance with an innate curiosity.

"How about this: we make a deal. I have questions about you, you obviously have questions about me, so I believe that information should be traded as knowledge should be free, not contained and locked away. I would like to know how you met Sir Nevin and more about your friendship with him, and in return, I shall do my best to answer any question about my origin and 'what I am', as you so crudely put it."

They attempted a small smile, but quickly hid it away. Ezra didn't want to make Stare feel any more uncomfortable than they already were.

"Do we have an accord, then?"