Stare took a moment to absorb all that Ezra wanted to know and had to say. When they mentioned the presence of more kenku potions, Stare perked up. Her ear holes - somewhere on either side of her head, hidden beneath all that plummage - would have perked up had they had any form of external mass. Instead she cocked her head, tilting it to the side like a real bird would and listened intently, blinking her large black eyes slow. She remembered that her brother, Avin, had had a very distinctive pink marking in one of his eyes, that had not made him blind for it seemed to lie outside of his pupil, but it had always made him the most noticeable ronin kenku anywhere.

How she missed him.

As Ezra went on to ask questions Stare paused, and thought about how to give blood again. Certainly, the potions had been useful, and she reasoned with herself that more could not hurt. Thus, she dropped her gaze when they began and stared (what she did best) at the dagger at her belt. After what seemed an age she plucked it out and looked around until she saw a usefully empty cup. Holding her knife in one hand and bearing her forearm she paused, looking like she was going to stab the table.

She turned back to Ezra, and paused, realising what it looked like.

"I mean you no harm, I was just trying to figure out how best to get you the blood."

Pausing, she tossed over the knife to the other hand and nodded, before answering.

"I had a family," she said with a rather mellow voice, expressing little emotion. "They are all dead now, including my older brothers, who were murdered. My father died of old age - we kenku can only expect to live to forty or so - and my mother of a broken heart. Hence me starting out in the world. Now ..." she paused and shrugged, a claw picking at the edge of the knife. "Now I guess I just have Vitruvion."

The idea in her head that her master (aka her god) was the only family in her life made Stare feel slightly sick. Her eyes dropped down to where she fingered the knife and she let out a huffing sigh.

Thank you? came the amused voice.

Go away, she grumbled. Vitruvion said nothing, only gave her a whistful smile before he swilled down his drink. Stare turned her attention back to Ezra.

"Foods ... I literally eat anything. Meat though, is a good one. Perferrably cooked, but we are omnivores. Our bodies have sort of adapted over time I guess to accept the foods of other places. And yes, I am employed." She shrugged. "By a man who is currently listening to our conversation via the back of my head." She paused, realising it sounded a bit like he was some form of symbiote. "I mean we have a telepathic link, that is the best way to describe it. He ... finds you interesting. He is a scholar, academic sort."