She found it slightly interesting that she had been the next point of authority for the fighters. It seemed they truly had adapted to her being their superior after all, even when Vitruvion or Raevin was not there. No longer did they look at her as a thing to possibly be theirs one day, instead she was now entirely untouchable. It reminded her a little of when she and Raevin had first met. He had grinned nastily, told her of her position now and actually touched the between of her legs.

Now he treated her with absolute respect, as did these warriors. How times had changed.

Sen perked up as she came over, caw'ing happily and burying his feathered head into her arms. She crooned happily and soothed him with soft sounds of kenku, rattling off several cracks and clicks in a quiet tone. He responded well, bristling with knowledge or instinct that they were connected somehow.

He garbled back in his own simpler tongue, even whistling once as he snuggled into her. She rubbed his beak and moved around to grab a hunk of meat from her pack. Ripping it up she passed him a chunk, which he took delicately from her hand. She ate a bit herself then went back to crooning over him, going into a form of grooming that kenku were prone to do.

"Hello darling," she whispered.

"Stare," came a small voice from behind her.

She turned to see Raevin standing there, kindly smiling. The elf's eyes glanced up at Sen and nodded at the animal a moment before looking back at Stare. Sen cawk'ed before nibbling at Raevin's hair. Stare laughed lightly before the elf drew up and placed a hand on her arm.


She looked at him straight. "Hmm?"

"We're all heading back."

She blinked and looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"We're going back," he gestured over his shoulder.

To where the guards were getting onto their horses with varying ability. One more competent held the reigns of Raevin's, whilst Vitruvion's bright eyed stallion stood on its own, nibbling grass. She frowned, looking over to where Vitruvion still stood on the brow of the hill.

"You're going back," she tried to affirm, her brow ridge creased.

"No, we are," he gestured between all of them. "Vitruvion is staying here, then going to Tular himself."

Her beak parted and her eyes showed astonishment. Confusion crossed over them, at least to those who knew her it was confusion. She had no real way of expressing it other that her brow.