"Shut up Stare, this was going to happen some time."

A moment and the eyes of the other two in the carriage flickered between kenku and god - though they knew nothing of that particular truth of their relationship. Brer, knowing to some extent the mental connection between them blushed slightly but Blaze, with her lack of knowledge and her gag, stared in complete confusion.

Stare glared for a long time at Vitruvion, before he raised his brows. Questioning. Daring her.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice still perfectly reposeful. A flicker of a smile was at the corner of his mouth. "You have something to say?"

Her jaw tightened and she threw her look away. She breathed through her nostrils.


"No, my lord," she grunted at him.

Vitruvion took a moment and then he snorted laughter and shook his head. His eyes looked around the carriage until they landed on Blaze. Haunted she gazed at him, bemused but disbelieving.

He took a moment, and looked away from her. Silence fell yet again. Between the four of them there was a great awkwardness, an uncertainty. Stare had a million questions for Vitruvion but it was clear right now was not the time. Despite the fact that he had his repetitive worry of his half-brother he was going through this charade. This practise of power, that possibly had no other result than to show that he was the authority in all their lives.

The carriage eventually pulled to a jolting halt. A thump, then footsteps on gravel sounded before the door was pulled open - on Stare's side. Before them all was the large light-coloured building of Vitruvion's mansion and Stare's home. Their home. Breathing in a minor sense of relief Stare began to move, straightening her clothes before making her way out.


She angled her head to look back at him. Her sharp eyes met his and she ignored the awe that was showing within Blaze's eyes as the faerie-elf - she had once called herself an 'Ellinin' - looked at the house. Clearly she had never seen it. The kenku found a flutter of amusement come into her chest, then shame. Shame for having this life, escaping the fate that Blaze had been subject to.

"Yes?" she said quietly to him.

"Be in the library in two hours," he told her, eyes focused and intent.

Carefully she nodded, unsure of the entire situation - then she ducked her head and left, eager to be out of the entire situation.