Ezra had learned why having too much of a 'good' thing was so troublesome.

Nan had been running the poor homunculus ragged today, between the housecleaning, the gardening, the cooking, and the impromptu dress up game the older woman had insisted on suddenly. They had been trapped for the last hour trying on various dresses and other garments from the old woman's youthful days, and despite their near pristine condition, the clothe were proving to be rather itchy and irritating. A knock at the door was almost a sweet reprieve from the house's madness. With rapid footfalls, the homunculus threw the door open to a young lad with a mouth full of something. A small amount of drool leaked from his mouth, and the mage knelt down and with a careful swipe of the sleeve, cleaned the boy's face. He shied away slightly in mock defiance, but let the cloth wipe his face.

"Hello, little one. Are you here to see Nan?" Ezra asked, head tilted in a curious glance. It wasn't uncommon for the children to visit Nan, as the older woman often spoiled the children with interesting stories and occasional treats. The boy shook his head, attempting to speak with the very familiar pink orbs in his mouth. Someone had been visiting Nevin, it seemed. After a few minutes of chomping, chewing, and a bit more slobber, the young lad finally got his message across. Meet Nevin at the local tavern in about ten minutes? That was quite doable; they just needed a way to head out and make sure the older woman had something to do to keep her attention while they met with the alchemist. Purple eyes shot down to the young boy, and a stroke of genius hit them like a ton of bricks.

"Little boy, let us make a deal. If you can help Nan around the house for a bit while I go see what Sir Nevin needs, I will be sure to compensate you with five candies. Is that a fair trade?" The little boy's jaw dropped and looked on in disbelief. He would get five candies for staying with Ol' Nan?! With vigorous head nodding, the homunculus stepped to the side and the boy sprinted through the doorway and around the corner to where Nan waited.

"Nan, I must convene with Sir Nevin as he has requested my presence. I shall return as soon as possible. The young one will assist you for a time while I am gone." Ezra called as they ran to their room to change into their armor and out of the frilly dress Nan had forced them to wear. Before an argument could be made, the homunculus had grabbed their hammer and sprinted out of the cottage to the tavern where freedom awaited.

Upon arrival in the tavern, a cursory glance revealed Nevin and another man speaking in the somewhat quiet tavern. They couldn't quite hear what was being said, but with calm movements Ezra had made their way through the few tables until they stood behind the alchemist with one hand behind their back and the other still holding their war hammer at their side.

"You called, Sir Nevin?"