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  1. #6
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Scarlet stared at the map before her. "I want to be back by evening. Technically, I shouldn't be leaving the compound."

    "Since when did you ever listen to that silver haired twat-faced--"

    "Madison," Scarlet said. She normally didn't mind when people smack-talked Ulroke, but it was becoming a little too commonplace for Scarlet’s liking. The man was already on edge, and her being whisked away wouldn't alleviate that. "I believe that was your recommendation to him."

    The Briarheart waved her hand off, hissing her contempt toward the redheaded assassin. "Fuck it, just hurry up and pick then. We need to go."

    Something was… off about the woman before Scarlet. Madison was always snarky, filled with contempt for everything around her, but she wasn't… this fidgety. There was the absence of that cool and calculating demeanor, and of Hyperion. Scarlet wasn't going to question it. Instead she pointed to a rural place on the map. She would test her hunch another way. "This place has fantastic food, their meats are thick cut and well marbled, and it’s a quiet area. Rural. Barely a man, woman or child in sight. For a pair o' notorious ladies such as us, it'd be the perfectly peaceful getaway to--"

    A low growl emanated from the woman before her and Scarlet felt that she was going to get a shot of acid thrown into her face at any second. "Course... that's a bit too far away now ain't it?" Her finger trailed across the map and pointed to another area. "Here, this should only be half an hour at full flight speed. We may have trouble landing the airship. It's a new township, but its very busy. Bustling with a group of crusaders. I think they were calling themselves the White Blight Knights or something shitty like that. Group of do-gooders from across Salvar that formed their own troupe. I've been keeping tabs on them since there are rumours they want to take on the hand. The pub there is less pleasant and filled with these guys and their families. But I suppose we could--"

    "Yes!" Madison hissed.

    Bingo. The damn fuckin' crazy bitch wasn't out for a leisurely stroll. She didn't want a nice chit-chat. She wanted violence, she wanted to let off some steam, and who was Scarlet to stop her. In the assassins eyes, this killed two birds with one stone. It would eradicate a threat to the hand and it would appease Madison. Plus, it got Scarlet out of the compound for a while. She was feeling a little too… emotional lately and it'd do good to sink her fingers into some trouble.

    With a sharp whistle she called forth one of the Ravens that followed her closely. Albeit the flock lessened after her fall into insanity, at least one or two remained loyal. One of which was L'Oreal. She stared at the black eyed bird who had flown in from the open hangar. "Tell Ulroke I will be back by nightfall. I'm eradicating that group of hero-wannabe soldiers south of here." The bird cawed twice at her and Scarlet narrowed her gaze. "We're already lifting off, I'm not about to jump off an airship." The bird shook its head, cawed at her one last time then flew off, ducking out the door before it fully closed shut.

    With that out the way Scarlet turned her scelera eyes toward Madison. "So Madison, I can't help but notice the absence of Hyperion. What'd you do? Tell her you're off on some book hunt?"
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 05:56 AM.

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