"Eteri you can't keep waltzing in here." Archie said, rather annoyed. I think he was upset about something... unno why...

Maybe it was because I wandered into his shop proclaiming my welcome to him loudly and scared off the customer he was talking to in hushed tones. Not my fault they were being so secretive. Or...maybe it was because I climbed up onto his counter and was now resting on my stomach. It was in his way...sure, but it was where the sun was, and so the warmest and best place in the store.

"But Ven come here many times." I pouted through pursed lips, tail swishing side to side. "Want see Vennn...."

The old man sighed and rubbed his temples. "Eteri... what - what exactly is he to you? Do you have any idea how precarious and dangerous it is to share his soul? The implications of that? The binding factors of blah blah blah blah blah relationships blah blah blah blah repercussions..."

He was talking, buuut - I wasn't exactly paying attention. All I heard was blahs, and big words and complicated sentences I didn't understand. Truth be told... I felt a little off lately. I wasn't sure why, but parts of me hurt. At one point it almost felt as though I was suffocating, maybe Barchie was right, and this whole soul sharing thing was a mistake. Sure...it felt fantastic to have something there, something warm and comforting, wild and free... but it wasn't mine the shining warmth that sat deep within me belonged to Ven, and what right did I really have taking it?


He wasn't even around lately.

Was he avoiding me? I think I remember getting upset that night in the pub... but I had drunk a little too much and all I really remember is being picked on by my sister. Ugh...her and Barchie were saying the same things.

"ETERI!" He slammed his hands down on the table and I jumped.

"What! What Eteri do!?"

"Were you listening to anything I was saying?"

"Uhm...maybe? Eteri think you said having Ven soul may be dangerous?"

The man sighed. "That wasn't all was saying, I'm asking you if you at least carry around protection?"

"Protection? From what?"


I furrowed my brows, confused by his words. "No understand, why need protect from that?"

The man practically yelled at me, "I mean when you and Venex have sex are you carrying birth control! The LAST thing you two need is a kid!"


What did he just say? Me and Ven??? The sex? That made no sense. We were friends. Why was it that everyone thought otherwise? Hell... I wasn't even sure if Ven wanted to talk to me right now!

I snapped right back at him. "Me not know if Ven even like! Why would the sex!?!??"