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  1. #23

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,474

    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    I leaped over the vat of dancing green flame, letting out a primal cry and swinging my sword overhead. Arkboss brought his fiery blade up to defend. In the tight space my smaller frame and weapon gave me an advantage; I moved faster, and my lone eye shone with determination.

    With a flurry of strikes I battered him back against the shelf, and as his shoulders struck the sturdy wood I feinted high and struck low. My crystal sword, full of the arcane potential flooding my veins, cleaved through his left ankle. Green ichor spurted from the wound, which began to heal over almost immediately. He could not grow back the foot, however, and he staggered, his black aura flickering.

    “Sit down,” I said as he roared in pain, and smashed him in the jaw with my sword’s hilt. He staggered back into the shelf and then slumped to the floor. Shrunken heads rolled away and several jars fell from the disturbed shelf and shattered on the ground, but Arkboss remained still.

    I breathed until my lungs stopped feeling full of acid. I flicked my sword, spattering green ichor across the ground, and swung the weapon up into its sheathe. I sorted through the demon’s belongings until I found some tough cord that seemed fashioned from sinew, and used it to bind Arkboss’ wrists and knees. After securing him to the shelf, I turned and created a portal back up to the surface. I would have to move quickly; I doubted simple rope would be enough to keep the demon from teleporting away.

    Leaving the hole in reality pulsating, I paced to where Marvin’s heavy-bladed dagger still stood embedded in the mountaintop. I crouched and pulled it free, tucking it behind my belt. I moved to Selima’s body and scooped her cold, limp form up and carried her to the portal.

    Even in death, she could watch me finish what we’d started together. I allowed the portal to dissipate and set Selima down in a seated position against the far wall, facing Arkboss. Her head leaned back limply and her eyes gazed lifelessly, but her presence still felt encouraging. My hands shook as I drew Marvin’s skinning knife and reached out, running its razor edge down the demon’s forehead.

    He came awake with a bellow, snapping at my hand with dripping fangs. I held the knife firmly in place and it penetrated through the tough Haidian hide. Green blood oozed from the wound, staining the titanium blade.

    “You can’t teleport as long as I’m in contact, can you?” I asked as I ran the dagger down the side of his neck, eliciting a rewarding scream of anguish. “I’ve fought teleporters before. So long as I keep this blade on you,” I pushed harder, letting the knife delve beneath the surface of the demon’s skin, “you’re stuck here with me. And I don’t have any intention of removing the knife. Not until you’re dead.”

    “This hideout is one of many,” Arkboss said suddenly, his smooth voice full of pain and panic. “Release me, and I can give you anything you want. Gold, power-” his words cut off in an agonized scream as I turned the knife and pulled, tearing away a strip of scaly, leathery skin.

    “You killed my crew,” I reminded the blubbering demon as the knife did its wicked work. The volume of my voice dropped. I barely dared to speak the next words aloud, but Arkboss needed to hear them. I leaned close and whispered in his ear.

    “For that, I’m going to flay you alive.”
    Last edited by Breaker; 12-10-2017 at 06:33 PM.

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