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  1. #1

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,474

    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “Almost every story we heard about you told of your way with portals,” Marvin said. I had dug back into my breakfast, sawing off a chunk of bacon. “And it’s a demon we’re talking about here. Your specialty. I’m more of a vampire slayer myself, and that’s what me and the gang usually focus on… but the money on this one is just too good to walk away from.”

    “How much?” I asked casually, taking a bite of buttered toast.

    “The bounty on this one is a nice round ten grand, plus any plunder taken from the demon. Your share would be fifteen hundred gold pieces. Plus any knick knacks the bastard has that might catch your eye.”

    I pursed my lips and blew a long, low whistle. I’d never heard of someone putting ten thousand gold pieces on a Haidian’s head. I wiped my mouth with a sifan sleeve and fixed Marvin with my emerald gaze.

    “Does this demon have a name? It must be one I’ve heard of, to be worth so much.”

    “Aye,” the ginger nodded, “you’ve likely heard of him. He goes by the name Arkboss the Hunted. There’s been a bounty on his head nearly ten years, and in that time he’s killed more slayers than you see sitting in this tavern.” Marvin looked around and then leaned forward and lowered his voice. “He’s said to be the most dangerous individual to come out of Haidia since the general Zieg ag’ Tulfried. But we got some inside information on him that should make killing him… well, possible.”

    I gritted my teeth in a forced smile and drew a long breath through them.

    “What do you need me for?”

    “Amongst his other… talents… Arkboss is a teleporter.” The ginger explained. He sponged his plate with a piece of toast and bit into it forcefully. “We’ll need your help just to keep up with him.”

    My smile softened as it became more genuine.

    “And what do I need you for?”

    Both Salvic brothers started talking at once, from the jumbled sound each told a similar but separate tale of Arkboss terrorizing villages in Salvar. The Raiaeran half elf opened her mouth but politely refused to talk over the others. The Fallieni shook her dark head and tutted one word.


    Marvin waved his hands until they quieted and then shook his head, short curly hair bouncing.

    “You must not be up to date on Althanas’ most wanted demons. Arkboss is top of the list, and with good reason. He’s killed hundreds of people with horrific powers. He commands fire of a half dozen different types, is a master swordsman, and carries two Alerian six shooters. Oh, and did I mention he can teleport?”

    “You did,” I said with a courteous nod.

    “Right. And that’s just what we know about him. He could have other powers hidden from public knowledge. We figure with six of us, we should be safe.”

    I chewed and swallowed the last of my potatoes and mopped my plate with a crust.

    “Alright, I’m in on one condition.” I said as I popped the last bite in my mouth.

    “Name it,” Marvin said confidently. I made them wait as I finished my meal and pushed back my chair.

    “Before we start, you all have to show me what you’re made of.”
    Last edited by Breaker; 12-10-2017 at 04:04 PM.

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