Vince paused for a moment as Ray spoke, chewing on his lower lips slightly as he drifted off into thought for a moment. “That’s kinda sad to think about isn’t it?” He asked cocking his head to the side slightly. A waitress walked by and set down two menu’s for them, carefully handwritten in gorgeous calligraphy, covered in some strange magic preservative…


It took a moment for Vince to realize that each page of the delicately leather-bound tome had been simply “laminated” in some strange sort of wax, leaving a smooth clear film over them. He spent a moment idly tracing his fingers over the text, appreciating the subtle craftsmanship of something that seemed so commonplace back on earth. “What does?” Ray asked, lost in thought as she peered over the perfect text.

“That you’ve never been somewhere this alive.” Vincent mused as he flipped the page and glanced over each entrée. “Doesn’t that speak volumes to the condition of our homelands? I can’t imagine Raiaera being this way either.” He paused and glanced down at a particular order. Shredded chicken seasoned and served on a…tortilla. The scholar sucked in a surprised breath.

Tacos were apparently a local cuisine to this world.

“But I’m digressing.” He snapped his menu shut and looked up to the mechanic, smiling warmly as he did so. “It’s our honeymoon, no need to get all existential on you…dear.” He shot her a wink as his smile erupted into more of a playful grin. His eyes shot to another, smaller menu that neither of them had noticed before. He carefully scooped it up and began flipping through the beautiful cream colored pages. From first glance it was obviously a drink menu, filled will all sorts of fruity beverages and cocktails that would be a staple at a resort like this back on earth. He eyed the list of coconut and mango flavored drinks with slight amusement before setting it down. It was a tad too early to start drinking just yet, and he had a whole week to unwind.

“Have you decided what you want yet? I’m kinda eyeing the shredded chicken tacos to see how they stand up to what I make back at home.” He asked glancing around. He was suddenly aware of the sheer amount of couples that seemed to be in this venue, gathered around the bar, pressed against each other in some sort of way. His sapphire eyes darted from one couple playing footsie, to another holding hands, to another outright snogging just on the other side of the patio. The soft rhythm of some strange sort of band tucked away out of sight seemed to fill the air with an upbeat but festive sound. Vince took the atmosphere in for a moment, then another realization struck him.

That’s a fucking mariachi band…