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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    The girl gave a small shrug, still not glancing up from her menu. "I suppose people just prefer different things," she mused aloud. "Not everyone wants to live in a place as alive as this. Before my dad died, I had no reason, no desire, to leave Alerar." Finally, she let her gaze lift to Vincent's face, an expression of good humor on her own. "Now look at me, allowing you to drag me to all corners of Althanas."

    "There was curiosity and concern when he asked, "are you complaining?"

    When Rayleigh shook her head, her tangle of long brown hair fell across her shoulder, and nearly dislodged the red flower from its place behind her ear. "Hardly," she assured him, her hand reaching out to give his a gentle pat. "I wanted adventure, and that is what you've given me. What you're giving me now." She pulled herself away then, settling deeper into the chair with a heavy sigh of content. The sun warmed her, and the breeze smelled faintly of barbecue as it unsettled the flowers in the table's centerpiece. The beauty that surrounded her made it difficult to muster even a shred of annoyance at the reoccurring marriage quips. "In the spirt of adventure," she announced, "I will try your tacos. I will try them here, and when we get back to the House of Cards, you can make them for me again. I'll judge whose is better."

    Vincent cocked an eyebrow, mostly in an attempt to hide his own pleasure at the thought. "You're assuming I'll cook for you whenever you want? What do you think I am now, your personal chef?"

    "Fine," she shot back with an easy smile. "I'll cook for you then."

    Vivid memories of shouts, screams, and smoke belching out of an oven returned to him, and he shuddered. Her previous attempt at pepperoni pizza had nearly smoked the entire Tarot Hierarchy from their underground home. "Y'know," he began, "that's alright. I'll do the cooking." Her grin of success was all the response he needed.

    The pair passed a moment in companionable silence, both watching the band that played nearby. Rayleigh was delighted by the unique sounds, while Vincent remained more than a little put-off by how cliched it all was.

    It was Ray who spoke first. "You know," she began, "your real home isn't Raiaera. It's Earth, isn't it?"

    Vincent considered this for a moment, shrugged, then nodded. "I guess so. Or it used to be."

    "And wasn't Earth pretty alive?" She closed her menu, but her fingers absent-mindedly traced the smooth edges. "At least, I imagine it was, based on everything you've told me."

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    "We have time," she countered, flashing the man a dazzling smile. "You should tell me more."

    Vincent cocked his head. "About Tex-Mex?"

    Snorting a laugh, she replied, "I meant Earth. But I guess that covers Tex-Mex as well." Rayleigh planted her elbows atop the table, and balanced her chin on her hands, gazing back at the boy with a sort of childish wonder. "Story time."

    The boy stared back at her for a moment, his big eyes the color of the cloudless sky. Then, raking long fingers through his blonde hair, Vincent spoke. "Why do you always want to know about Earth?"

    The surprise cooled some of the wonder from Ray's expression. She did not frown, but a shallow line creased across her freckled forehead as her brows knit together. "What do you mean?"

    "I dunno." He regretted saying anything at all. "You're just always asking. I don't mind it, but I also don't get it. It's just Earth."

    "And this is just Althanas." She used one hand to motion to their surroundings. Her voice was bereft of venom, as the day was too nice for such things. It was confusion, more than anything else, that plagued her. "We have dragons, and demons, and everything else you mentioned. But you could travel across across Earth in a day? That's incredible. That's magic."

    He opened his mouth to argue, then thought better of it. There was no magic on Earth, but to someone fascinated by technology already hundreds of years old in America, perhaps that was close enough. Just as he thought that he could use some alcohol, a waiter appeared with their drinks.

    "Ale," he announced, plopping the drink before Vincent. "And for the lady, the lemon lime and mango passion power mojito." With a flourish, the tanned waiter slid the frosty glass toward Rayleigh. It was a vibrant pink color, and a fruit skewer floated among the sugar-coated ice cubes. A paper umbrella the colors of the morning sky finished off the ensemble.

    Only after the man had walked away did Vincent narrow his eyes across the table. "Don't say anything," he hissed, reaching over and pulling his drink closer.

    Rayleigh bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, retrieving her own glass. "I won't," she assured him, though her green eyes danced with it. And when Vince pulled a small, plastic sword from a strawberry, and waggled it at her, she lost the battle. Her rich laugh mingled with the trumpets and guitars.

    "Well," the brunette began when her giggling finally tapered off. "If you won't tell me abut Earth, will you at least tell me more about this mission?"

  3. #3

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    It suddenly dawned on Vincent that he was playing a dangerous game. There was a fine line being walked at this moment, any misstep could spell potential disaster, setting Rayleigh off in a foul mood and spoiling the whole trip. He felt torn, after all he also was a horrendously sloppy eater, but the two “needed” to keep a low profile. He had to play his part perfectly in order for Ray not to suspect a thing, but he also needed to stray on the side of caution not to over play his hand and make her mad. In short, he was stuck in the same dilemma every man found themselves when courting a woman.

    ‘I’m not courting her.’ He thought to himself. ‘I’m just trying to help her unwind…she deserves it after all of her hard work.’ Looking up after a moment of silence, he simply shot his companion a toothy grin and rested his chin on his upturned palms.

    “Really Sweetheart? Thanks!” He fluttered his eyes in mock fashion and feigned swooning slightly. “You sure do know how to flatter a man.” He continued gracefully forking a bite of food into his mouth. He chewed quickly before swallowing and smacked his lips slightly…

    “Needs a bit of cilantro.” He mused shaking his head.

    “Cillantro?” Ray asked looking up from her plate, now a victim of at least two hundred stab wounds made by an absent hand. “What’s that?”

    “It’s an herb from earth. Vince replied looking up. “Do they not have it here on Althanas?”

    “As far as I know you can only really get your hands on what’s local Vince. Alerar doesn’t have it, that much I know…” her green eyes left his gaze as she forked a bit of meat into her mouth. “Did this herb grow locally…you know in…” she paused for a moment and then grinned. “Doolas right? That’s where you’re from. Doolas Tecas?”

    “Dallas.” Vincent replied grinning. “Dallas, Texas. A lot closer than anyone else can seem to remember.”

    “Yeah, and it’s a state or something? You explained something about some sort of unification, I pay attention.” Ray replied, suddenly reinterested now that she had gotten him back to talking about the magical word he was from. “So did this Sea Lantro grow near your home?”

    “I don’t think it was native.” Vince furrowed his brow and rubbed his chin. “I think it was native to a certain part of Europe…”

    “Where’s Europe? You’ve never mentioned it before.” Ray asked, her eyes lighting up.

    “It was another continent, across the ocean from us.” Vince replied after taking a sip of his drink. “Geographically speaking it would be as far away as Dheathain give or take.”

    “And you regularly consumed it?” Rayleigh asked shocked. “How? Spices are incredibly expensive, were you also rich on earth?”

    “That’s a long story.” Vince replied shaking his head. “Why don’t we get to the hotel and I’ll tell you more?” Ray looked down at her butchered plate and tutted slightly.

    “Sure, but you owe me Catos. Preferably one’s I don’t have to eat with a fork.”

    “That’s fair enough.”

    “So…” Ray mused staring at the ceiling, her shoes long discarded at the foot of the bed. “You’re telling me that the engine takes in fuel and air, compresses it, and then combusts it in almost one fluid motion?”

    “Yup.” Vincent responded, laying on his back on a plush couch some several feet away from the bed. The room was rather spacious, filled with lush carpeting, plush furniture, and just about any possible amenity one could imagine.

    “Then the spark plug ignites the fuel, causing a small explosion forcing the piston down…” The concept wasn’t particularly new, but this type of piston system was something she hadn’t really ever heard of before. “In the down position it vents the residual gas and then begins intake again.”

    “Mhmmm.” Vincent grunted, his eyes closed.

    “And you’re telling me that your…cars…can have upwards of eight of these pistons…and they do this cycle almost a hundred times in a minute…”

    “Correct.” Vincent let out a small yawn. They’d arrived at their hotel room hours ago, and Ray hadn’t relented on the Earth talk. She dug in for every scrap of detail she could. What was Europe? How many countries did it have? How many continents did earth have? Why did no one live on Antartica? Why do you keep referring to Australia as the land down under…

    The list went on and on.

    However, as Vince went on to describe the worlds geography, all made perfectly clear by his recently unlocked Eidetic memory, Ray began to veer to more detailed topics. How did they travel the world so quickly? What was a “plane?” How did non balloon based flight work? The whole notion that machines could make a world so big seem so small appealed to her. The idea that one day someone could hop in a machine from Raiaera and arrive on Keberias in less than a month fascinated her. The fact that oneday people would be able to do so in a matter of hours via flight only added to that rush.

    “So tell me about Berny again.”

    “Bernoulli?” Vince asked as he stretched.

    “Yeah, the one with the foil?”

    “Airofoil, yeah.” Vincent replied. “What about him.”

    “How does it work? How does it create lift?”

    “I’m not one hundred percent sure.” Vince replied yawning. “Something about forcing the air back down at the back of the foil creates an equal and opposite reaction on the foil, causing lift. We’re not too sure on the specifics back at home.”

    “You keep mentioning that.” Ray mused, yawning as well. “What does that meant.” Vince let out a small chuckle and sat up, eyeing the moon through the window.

    “That’s a whole ‘nother can of worms Ray, and if we keep this up it’ll be dawn before we know it.” He let out another chuckle. “Tell ya what though. Let’s get some sleep, and tomorrow we’re going to go to the beach. We’re going to catch some sun, swim a little bit, and try to isolate another one of those statues and see if we can’t get a closer look at it. Every night we can do another round of Earth Q and A. You can ask whatever you want, about anything.”

    “Anything?” Ray asked perking up.

    “Anything.” Vince promised. “I’ll try to tell you about languages, culture, history, anything that I’ve got locked up in this noggin of mine about earth.”


  4. #4

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    Vince hated mariachi music.

    It was the bane of his existence as a Texan. Every olive skinned man with an ounce of latin American in their blood and a trumpet thought they were a mariachi star. Or so it would seem. He couldn’t escape them at malls, at nice restaurants, weddings, or sometimes even school if someone was playing a particularly nasty prank. Despite all of that, for just one moment, it was matched with the ringing laughter of Rayleigh Ashton, and it was music to his ears.

    Without realizing it, his own laugh had risen from his lip joining hers as he slid effortlessly around the table, pulling his seat with him as he arrived sitting next to her. “I won’t not tell you about Earth, but which would you rather about more? Earth? Or why we’re here?” He asked as he coyly took a sip of his mojito.

    ‘Holy shit that’s good.’

    “Well I’d love to hear about both, but let’s start with the important bit first?” Ray asked, her green eyes shining with mirth as she seemed to be calming down from the entire escapade. Vincent nodded, suddenly adopting a very serious facial expression as he took another sip of his fruity drink, glancing around with apparent purpose, eyeing up any nearby staff and patrons with “distrust.” Finally his eyes seemed to find what they were looking for and he motioned for the mechanic to lean in closely. As she did so, he took her free hand lovingly and swept her hair behind her ear and began a show of “lovingly” whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

    “Third rafter away from our table, right above the couple that needs to get a room, do you see it?” The mechanics eyes darted quickly to the rafter above the smooching couple to find a small statue of a rather jolly otter hanging from the rafter.

    “The otter?” she asked breaking away to look at him. “We’re here for an-“ Vince shushed her by gently placing a finger on her lips.

    “No, we’re not here for an otter. I have enough issues with a particular one already. Look closer.” Ray shot him a dirty look but played along, squinting as she focused on the particularly gaudy piece of décor only to discover it seemed to be glowing faintly.

    “Why is it glowing,” she asked snatching Vincent’s hand from her face and taking it in her own, playing along with the ruse.

    “It seems this entire island is rigged with a series of statues that are enchanted to control the weather.” Vince replied shooting her a grin. “They keep the workings of their system and their enchantment of choice of a secret but…” Vince squinted slightly as if he was suspicious. “I get the feeling they’ve modeled their system off of a very ancient text that just happens to be missing from our library.”

    “You think they stole from the Tarot?” Ray asked looking worried.

    “Exactly. The works of that tome were sealed away for a reason, in the wrong hands they could be used to cause absolute chaos. We need to observe how the system works, how it’s powered, and determine if it’s just a coincidence or not.”

    “That seems like a tall order…” the mechanic replied shaking her head.

    “That’s why I brought my best operative with me.” Vince replied flicking her ear slightly. “Cheer up, it’s a lot easier than it looks. I’ll give you more detailed instructions tonight in our room.”

    “Chips for the love birds?” Announced another equally as tan waitress as she set down a massive wicker bowl filled to the brim with tortilla chips and two small bowls of red and green sauce.

    “Thanks.” Vincent replied freeing one of his hands from Rayleigh’s. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a gold coin, which he proceeded to flick with unusual skill into the waitress’s waiting hand.

    “Thank you sir, your food will be out shortly.” She curtsied slightly and backed away, “Enjoy.”

    A silence hung in the air for a moment, before something dawned of Rayleigh.

    “Did you say our room?” she asked turning to him. “As in…singular?” Vincent’s face quickly became an impenetrable mask, not betraying a single expression.


    “As in one bed, singular?” A new wave of annoyance was beginning to wash over her face as suddenly all of the implications of their ruse were beginning to dawn on her once more.

    “Relax, I’m sleeping on the floor.” The scholar turned to her and raised an eyebrow. “I would never do anything improper to jeopardize the mission.” That was the key. Keep her focused on the mission, and everything else would go smoothly. He’d been lucky he’d been able to find something so simple to pawn her interest off on. So far he wasn’t lying, much. He might even manage to get all the way through this ruse without it collapsing on him, but he had to play it safe.

  5. #5
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    "You bet you're sleeping on the floor," she grumbled, but the comment did little to hide the mounting excitement. A stolen book, mysterious crystals, and a beautiful island backdrop for the whole mission? She nearly shivered with delight, suddenly picturing herself as one of the daring adventurers in the stories from Earth she so often begged Vince for. She made to snag a chip, but was interrupted by the arrival of the waitress.

    "Two shredded chicken Catos," she announced, setting a plate of each before the two honeymooners. Flashing them her best smile, she gave a short nod, and bustled to the next table.

    "Looks good," Vincent mused appreciatively. He picked up his fork, glanced up at Rayleigh, and nearly dropped the utensil back to the table. "Ray," he hissed, embarrassment flushing his cheeks. "What are you doing?"

    The woman met his gaze over the tortilla she brought to her lips. It was piled high with meat, and a sticky mixture of grease and salsa dribbled out of two separate ends. Mid-chew, already having taken a bite, she asked, "What?"

    Vincent frowned back at her. "We're in public."

    She studied him for a moment, reading him, before a sly smile curled her lips. She swallowed, and shot back, "we're on vacation."

    "We're drawing attention to ourselves."

    This was enough to make her set the food back on her plate. Loosing a dramatic sigh, she wiped her mouth on a paper napkin; Vincent was thankful she chose that over the back of her hand. "You didn't tell me I would have to behave myself," she grumbled, before taking a long drink of her ale. When she replaced the glass, foam and amber liquid only filled half of it.

    The scholar studied her for a moment, walking the thin line between horror and humor as he watched her pick at her food. A pout creased her features, and it looked a bit ridiculous, given the cheerful flower that winked from behind her ear. Rayleigh had never been the graceful sort, something Vince had always attributed to growing up without a mother. It was something he found endearing, though he would never admit as much.

    "Don't look at me like that," he scolded her, jabbing his fork in the air. "The day is too pretty."

    She studied him for a moment, considering his words. There was something condescending, something fatherly, in his tone. Whether it was intentional or not, she did not care for it. Rayleigh reached up and plucked the flower from behind her ear. In one swift, unpredictable motion, she leaned across the table, and roughly shoved the stem behind her companion's ear. When she settled back into her seat, smiling sweetly at him, she stated, "And so are you, darling."

  6. #6

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    Vincent’s heart was racing.

    He was used to facing some of the greatest threats in the world. He could tackle bandits, demons, dragons, dark gods...the list goes on. He could negotiate his way through a cut throat trade deal, he could talk his way out of anything. He was the Emperor of the Tarot Hierarchy, in charge of maintaining the order and balance of the world. Yet he’d met his match.

    Rayleigh Aston in a swim suit.

    He had to resist every urge to stare, opting to avoid looking in her direction unless absolutely necessary. This was easy given the premise of their “mission.” Part of Vince was kicking himself for not hammering out his lie a little more in advance. He had been expecting to be able to come up with it on the fly, like most of his plans. He hadn’t been expecting Ray to be such a…distraction. Her constant stream of questions about earth made it hard to focus as it was. Other “distractions” made it even harder for him to come up with a good lie. He felt like he was walking through a minefield, any one mistake could cause the whole mission to go up in smoke.

    An errant caw of a seagull drew their gaze upwards as a small flock circled overhead gracefully for a moment, stopping their “mission” for a split second. “Reminds me of back on earth.” Vince muttered shaking his head. “Lil turds would try to steal your food if you weren’t careful…”

    Ray let out a small chuckle as she walked past him, her gaze settling on the horizon scanning carefully for any caves. Her green eyes carefully scanned the shore looking for anything that could possibly referred to as a “cave” but as far as she could tell the beach was flat as far as the eye could see.

    “Are you sure we’re in the right place?” she asked turning back to him. Vince pretended to ignore her question and glanced past her for a moment, chewing his lip as he let out an audible “Hrrrm.” The wind rustled his golden hair as his sapphire eyes twinkled. His arms folded across his bare chest as he glanced around. He’d also opted for beach attire, a simple pair of purple swim trunks and sandals.

    “My reports said something about these caves along the shore.” He paused and rubbed his chin, doing his best to avoid staring at the mechanics legs. “Perhaps they’re further down? Around the bend of the island perhaps?” Ray huffed and stared down at the hot sand for a moment.

    “Are we really going to walk all that way? That has to be a solid two hour walk!” She motioned to her feet which were already slightly red from the hot sand.

    “We could go down to the water and walk where it’s cooler?” Vince asked cocking his head to the side. “Wed probably look the part a bit better if we strolled down the water hand in hand pretending we were enjoying the beach rather than looking for caves…”

  7. #7
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    "No." The response was strained, one single syllable, two little letters carrying immense weight and annoyance. "What did I tell you, Ray?"

    His companion huffed, shoving her unruly hair back from her face as she scowled up at him. It was the following morning, and Rayleigh was already violating the agreement made the previous evening. "You can't mention vehicles that run without engine or motor, and then expect me to wait a full day to learn more."

    Despite his wariness at her incessant questioning, Vincent felt the smile split his lips. Mentioning the San Francisco cable cars had been a devilish thing to do to the girl, especially considering how tired she had been at the time. Even the magnificent Rayleigh could not comprehend all he told her in the early witching hours. "I told you," he started again, "only questions at night. You should have asked last night."

    Exasperated, Rayleigh threw her arms wide. "I fell asleep!" she exclaimed. The outburst drew only a few glances from passerbys; locals were more or less used to odd behavior from tourists. She was difficult to read beneath the bug-eyed sunglasses she wore, as her eyes were often the most revealing part of her.

    Still, Vince felt he knew her well enough to land one final jab. "Well, stop doing that."

    The brunette paused, huffed, then crossed her arms tightly against her chest. "I outta drown you in that ocean," she muttered, though loud enough for him to hear, her intention from the start. He merely rolled his eyes, the mood growing lighter despite her tantrum.

    They continued to walk, dark concrete giving way to wooden boardwalk, and then ever-shifting sand. The white shells were hot against Rayleigh's bare feet, and her small frame moved awkwardly as she fought to stay righted. Vincent, who had spent much of his time on both Earthen and Althanian beaches, moved with ease. Rayleigh, an Alerarian native, did not. The change of footing did little to brighten her spirits.

    "When you're done pouting," Vince chided her, though not unkindly, "you could help with the mission."

    Her lips pursed. "What is it you want me looking for? I don't expect we'll find any of those statues down by the water." Then, "You're always so secretive."

    "It keeps me interesting," came his answer. They continued to walk a moment longer, an expectant still hanging between them. Little did Rayleigh know, Vincent's mind was working as quickly as one of her beloved machines. It raced to concoct an excuse, another part of the magnificent tale, the magnificent lie, that he was weaving for her.

    "We're going looking for caves," he continued, reaching to wipe the sweat from his upper lip. "There are a lot of them in the area, but there is one in particular that I want to look at."

    The thought piqued the woman's interest, though she kept her expression neutral as she asked, "Why?"

    Vincent cast a look at his companion. He had avoided doing so for much of the morning, as the sight of her in the deep green swimsuit had a profound impact on him. Coupled with her frizzy hair and oversized sunglasses, she looked just like the beachgoers he remembered from Earth. And nothing like the grease-covered junk rat he had found in Alerar. He collected his thoughts, and himself, before answering.

    "There are supposedly some unique crystals in the caves here. While I don't know for sure, they're said to help power these statues."

    Rayleigh nodded. "I see. Was that mentioned in the book they stole from Tarot?"

    Seeing an opening, the scholar answered too quickly, too excitedly. "Yeah, that's it."

  8. #8

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    Vince could swear his pulse was quick enough to feel through his palms as they walked. Rayleigh Aston was the most dangerous mind he’d ever had the pleasure of sparring with. He was also focused on the task at hand. He’d heard horror stories of people getting hurt on rocks back on earth, so he was keeping his eyes peeled for any potential danger. The outcropping was just thrity or so feet away, and the waves were gently lapping against the rocks. It seemed like the tide was going out, so any potential flooding seemed to be a non-issue.

    The water was crystal clear, giving an unobstructed view of the pristine white sands beneath their feet. His steps were slow, allowing the much shorter mechanic to keep up as they ventured closer to the rocks. As they got close, things seemed to liven up a little. Tiny fish flitted from rock to rock seeking cover amongst some light vegetation and seaweed that had managed to take root. Ray peered curiously with each step, careful not to kick up any extra silt.

    “Careful for anything that makes a move for your feet.” Vince warned turning back to her. “Back on earth these tide pools can be home to some mean lil guys.” Ray nodded and turned her attention back down to her feet as they walked on. They worked their way along the wall the water grew deeper until it was up to Ray’s stomach, and each step was more careful than the last. The sand had begun to give away to a smooth rock that was somewhat slippery. They reached the peak of the outcropping and rounded the end, turning to a new portion of shore that had been hidden behind it. Water seemed to sweep into a small cave in a cliff that seemed to rise from the ocean on this side.

    “Looks like our place.” Vince noted scanning ahead. “Stay close to me though, the water seemed to be a little rougher on this side…” as if to answer his words the wind picked up slightly whipping his hair back as a rather large wave swelled against the rocks, lifting him off of his feet for a moment. Ray floundered around for a moment before regaining her feet and nodded, tightening her grip on his hand. The two started down towards the cave slowly, pausing with each strong wave to make sure neither slipped or got hurt. It was a slow process, lacking in the scenery from before. By the time the two had made it into the shade of the cave another hour had passed. The two managed to clamber from the water onto a rocky floor covered in slick mud as the stopped to breath and look back at where they had just been.

    “Im gonna portal us back instead of walking back…” Vince muttered shaking his head. “That was obnoxious.”

    “Agreed.” Rayleigh replied turning to glance around. The cave seemed to go further in, but what they could see was breathtaking. The stone seemed to be lined with some sort of blue crystal that let off a soft blue glow. These veins of light seemed to be spread sporadically across the roof of the cavern, seemingly stemming from small blue stalactites. Vince had risen back to his feet and had taken a few steps, but as Ray went to do the same her foot lost all purchase and slipped from under her. With a yelp she began to fall forward, only for herself in Vincent’s arms as he dashed forward to catch her.

    “Are you alright?” He asked, ignoring how close his face was to hers.

  9. #9
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    "You just want to hold my hand," came her sing-song retort.

    Vincent scowled, the only defense he had against the blush that burst across his face. "Now listen," he countered, raising a finger to her. "I'm focused entirely on the mission, and I think this would make us look less suspicious." Then, softer, "but if you're not comfortable with it, then-"

    He was interrupted by Rayleigh's small hand plucking his from the air. She gave it a tight squeeze, and then a few dramatic swings between them. "Better?" she purred. The scholar, on the other hand, could not seem to find any words at all. Rayleigh tutted at his silence, and added, "How in the world could I be embarrassed? I mean, gods, you gave me mouth to mouth that time outside the temple. THAT must have been uncomfortable." She tossed him a side-ways glance, her medicine-bottle green eyes alive with laughter. Her partner blanched, the color that had only just filled his cheeks draining away in an instant. Gleeful satisfaction bubbled within the brunette. "You didn't think I knew about that, did you?"

    Weakly, in a voice as small as the grains of sand beneath their feet, Vincent asked, "How do you know?"

    "John told me," she confided easily. "He thought it was hilarious."

    She continued to watch the scholar, the sun a halo above his blonde hair, his face mixed parts pain and embarrassment. "I thought you were dead," he finally muttered.

    Something in the way he spoke softened that sharp wit she so often jabbed him with. Rayleigh squeezed his hand once more, then turned to watch ahead as they walked. "If only you were so lucky," she mused aloud through a muted smirk. A scoff was the only answer.

    They walked in silence for a full twenty minutes before Vince finally spoke. "I'm never telling John anything again."

    It was only a one hour walk, demonstrating once more that Rayleigh was an absolutely terrible judge of distance. But even if the walk had lasted two hours, the mechanic did not believe she would have minded. It was nice, leaving footprints in places she had never visited before. The water that lapped at her heels, dragging those prints back into the sea, was a cool contrast to the hot sand. And her company, no matter how much she teased him, was just as pleasant as the surroundings. This, she thought with the smallest tremble of contentment, was the adventure she had always longed for. She could wander white sands and search for mysterious caves all her life, were she given the chance. No, Rayleigh did not find it difficult to pretend she was enjoying the beach.

    A tug on her hand indicated Vincent was stopping, so Rayleigh did as well. "I think we're here," he informed her, sapphire eyes fixed on a rocky outcropping further off-shore.

    Rayleigh lifted her free hand to shield her eyes against the sunlight, squinting toward the newly discovered feature. "Is that it?"

    Vincent paused to kick off his sandals, then took a few long strides into the waves. He gently brought Rayleigh along, still holding her hand as she scampered after him. Her shorter legs and body meant more steps to keep pace, and when her companion was at shin-deep water, it was already up to her thighs. He paused to let her adjust. "Chilly," she noted, but her smile revealed that she did not mind at all. Then, with a nod, she commanded, "lead the way."

  10. #10
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    Rayleigh's heart pistoned in her chest as she drew a shaking breath. That falling sensation was one she cared very little for; though she had a short way to go, her body always reacted as if she were plummeting to her doom. "I'm good," she answered him, becoming suddenly aware of his breath on her face. They remained that way for a moment, bathed in the blue light from the mysterious crystals. Then she gave a short, deliberate cough. The noise startled Vince, and if he might have dropped her had she not already begun righting herself. "It's pretty here," she stated, turning away from him as the cool sea air worked the heat from her cheeks. She knew she should thank him, but the words would not come. Whatever she could say, she knew, would sound clunky and awkward. Instead, she took a few careful steps away from him.

    Unsure of what her distance meant, Vincent merely answered softly, "Yes, it is."

    Rayleigh drew in a deep breath, savoring the way the salt spiked her senses. She had never experienced anything quite like this tropical paradise, and the heavy smog of Alerar had never been further from her mind. Strange things happened in a place like this, she could feel it.

    She could also feel magic, a gentle tug in her core. Her own abilities hummed, and had there been some technology in the room, she imagined it would probably begin acting strangely. Unbridled magic had a unique affect on her, like a siren drawing her to the rocks. Even as she studied, and improved her own skills, the raw stuff drew her power from her against her will. Of course, the sensation of being surrounded by such mojo weakened her resolve anyway. Sometimes, it made her feel sickly. Other times, it was a bit like a high. This time, in the glow of the gems, the gentle lap of the waves as her soundtrack, she felt a bit like she was floating.

    "Do you feel it?" she breathed, drifting further into the cave.

    She moved like a moth to a flame, but Vincent found himself unable to stop her. He should, he knew he should... something was wrong. Every red flag in the sorcerer's mind was flying up the pole, but his own magic was bubbling warm and sweet. Whatever Rayleigh wanted, he wanted it too, but perhaps for a different reason. Could she feel what he felt?

    "Home?" He heard himself say.

    At this, Ray turned, his words an interruption to her trance. "Home?"

    He glided up beside her. "It... it feels like home."

    She shook her head, damp tendrils of brown hair clinging to her flushed skin. "I just feel the magic," she explained. "There's so much of it." As she stared after him, Vincent brushed by, pulled further away from the cave's entrance by some unseen hand.

    Then the shadows were forced away by a burst of color. The crystals began to pulse, blue light and magic filling every corner of the space. Rayleigh's eyes closed against the glare, her small body bending at the waist in a half-hearted attempt at protection. When she straightened, her eyes mere slits, she immediately looked for Vincent. He was gone.

    His name exploded from her lips, a high-pitched scream that tore through the cave. She lunged for the last place she saw him, scrambling as her bare feet slipped across the slick rocks. "Vincent!" she cried once more, before the crystals throbbed with power, and the blue light claimed her too.

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