The wind serenaded as it blew songfully through the trees. The gentle breeze played a soothing toon as she made way through the countryside. Heavy baggage on her back, Felicity Rhyolite took a moment to stop. Staggering still, she pushed her loose hair out of her face and sighed. She bent over, placing her hands on her knees. As she panted, sweat fell like rain. She had been travelling, on foot, for hours on end without rest. She shook, pulling out one of her ultra vitamin and protein bars and shoving them in her mouth. Her legs shook as she took long steps towards the nearest tree. Her baggage was carefully set down before she plopped down. Back against the tree, she rested her head against the sturdy bark.

The singing draft swiftly put her to sleep.

The girl only lightly snoozed, however, as the sound of a bird’s squeal shook her eyes open again. Groggy and annoyed, she looked up. Within a long, winding branch above, she saw it. Again? A pure white barn owl with silver wings watched her with what appeared to be curiosity before taking off. Not making a sound, the owl took to flight, soaring away.

She could of sworn she saw that bird before.

No, she shook her head. She must be tired. Too exhausted to take her thoughts seriously, she shrugged the strange feelings off. She sighed in annoyance and placed her head against the wood again. She easily fell asleep.