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  1. #1
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    Nevin came closer and my head slipped from the doorframe to lean against his chest. IT seemed to cool me down, I mean. I know that doesn't make sense, but it did. His presence was cooling? I guess its like putting cucumbers on your eyes or something. I mumbled incoherently as he picked up my injured hand and wrapped it up. He said something about me trying to get at his soul again? Eew. No. Why.

    "Bleh." I stuck my tongue out at the thought. "Eteri collect pretty souls... not dirty broken ones." I muttered. My tail flicked awkwardly to and fro before setting down, coiling absently around one of his legs.

    Geez.. This guy was tall. I'd have to crane my neck way up to see his face. So... no... no instead I'd leave my head right where it was. "This nice..."I muttered, barely aware of the vial he pressed into my hand. It wasn't until he stepped away that I had noticed it. I stumbled forward a few feet, but being the acrobatic thing I am, I easily managed to gain my balance. I stared at the vial curiously.

    "This help?" I looked up at Nevin who nodded furiously, his eyes on the floor. Did he drop something? What was it? was it gold? was it -

    My thoughts stopped and I found myself faltering. Ok.. he said this would help right? I flicked the cork off with my thumb I wrinkled my nose and downed it in a single gulp before coughing. "BLEH!" I muttered. "Taste like pasting teeth!" I mumbled, furrowing my brows. This wasn't nice.

    "WHat give!?" I ask, holding out my bandaged hand. "How happening?" I took a step closer to him. Whatever that peppermint tasting crap was, it was either slow acting or not working. Then again.. how often does someone drink a medicine and it works instantly? I don't know...its not something I normally would do. Ayaka would know. But she's a bitch.

    I took another faltered step. "Why hurt! Narvin speak!" I demanded as I reached out to him with my uninjured hand to grab onto his jacket. I tugged it. "Now!"
    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:58 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  2. #2
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Well, knowing that his soul was enough to be considered dirty and broken did sting a bit, but considering he had seen the bloody mess first hand finally, Nevin couldn't really blame the tiny cat girl. He managed to suppress the shiver that raced down his spine when her tail absently curled around one of his legs - the woman didn't even seem to notice it, so he did his best to put it out of his mind as well. Then she leaned against him, and he had to suppress the urge to wrap his arms around her shoulders. What was with small women and being close to him??

    To keep from thinking about that too much, Nevin pressed the vial into her hand and stepped back, giving her space that she needed - to be honest, space that he needed. He focused his gaze on the ground to avoid looking at her delicate, trembling figure, and waited for her to drink. He heard the cork pop out of the vial and a swallow, then the vial fell to the ground, empty. Thank Crimson, she had taken the medicine without any hassle. With any luck, the cooling medicine would help her out and make her stop shining enticingly with a faint sheen of sweat, light glisten-

    He shook his head sharply to dispel that line of thought - and then a far more pressing concern. Well. Almost pressing. She wasn't against him - yet. The cat woman was grabbing his tunic and shaking him, demanding to know why the medicine wasn't working yet.

    "Even a fast acting solution wouldn't take hold right away Miss Eteri - you have to give it a few minutes. If you want, we can go back into the kitchen and I can get you a cold drink to hel- Miss Eteri please stop that!" As he had been speaking,
    the girl had half-collapsed against him, tightening her hold on his tunic as she buried her face against his chest. She seemed rather adamant against moving from him, mumbling into his chest again about how nice it felt there. Then he swore he heard her purr slightly before she began to rub her face against his chest and Nevin knew that he had a blush creeping up his cheeks. Rather than trying to fight off the small girl - he most likely could pry her free, but she seemed to desperately need contact for peace of mind - Nevin instead turned, wrapping one arm around her shoulders, and half-dragged half-carried her back into the kitchen, working his way over to the ice box where he kept his cold drinks.

    He knew, that without a doubt, he was only able to do this easily because of the discrepancy in their sizes. If she'd been closer to his height it would have been far more difficult to carry her in here, but at least she didn't seem to be fighting it much. Instead she just kept twisting her head and rubbing her cheeks against him, confusing the hell out of the redhead.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin

    I wrinkled my nose as I rubbed my face against his clothes. He smelt like sweet cinnamon, with hints of copper...Yeh...I could almost taste that scent on the tip of my tongue. I didn't mind that he practically dragged me back to the kitchen, that place still smelt like fish. He sat me down on the chair and moved away from me. I huffed. He was treating me like a damn child.

    "Eteri have you know I is the 24 and am thinking older than you Mr-not-enough-feesh-to-feed-his-guests!" I could hear him sigh from where I sat. "No sigh at me!" I shot back.
    I still felt hot, and if I were being was almost like spots were dancing in front of my eyes, in groups of two's and threes, and a few poor lonely solitary spots. I fell quiet watching them dance and sway, I think I was swaying too.

    "Hey.. Narvin..." I asked quietly as I was vaguely aware of his presence at my side again. "Does potion work on burning soul?"

    "Burning...soul?" He asked as he set down a glass of cold water on the table and pulled up a chair. "What do you mean by that?"

    "Mmm...." I pressed my hand against my chest. "Eteri no have soul. Eteri can fix soul. Weave together. Send angry spirit to new home. Not my own. Inside was nothing. Then I took Madridsons soul. It angry. Red. Mean...was going to put in vial. But it tore at Eteri."

    I paused as I feebly lifted up my arms toward Nevin, mimicking the action of something tearing into his chest, fingernails gently clawing at his clothes, some of which parted way. I blinked, seeing that I had torn his shirt. "oops. I fix. later. I fix."

    I pressed my palms to his chest. "It enter Eteri inside. Now Eteri have that angry soul, cannot move it. It whispers and makes Eteri pain and hot sometimes. Like now I am the thinking...." I slowly lifted my arm away from his chest. Still swaying slightly.

    "You am the smelling of seenimen. Like pie. Like copper but on lips."

    I leaned in closer to him, pointing at my own lips. "See! Like lips!" I insisted, leaning even closer.

    Whoop! Lost my balance, down I goooo!

    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:59 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  4. #4
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Madridson's soul - with her predilection for mispronouncing names... did she mean, Madison? Was that woman - Nevin's head throbbed as he tried to think about Madison for a moment, but the thoughts slipped away from his grasp like warm silk slipping past his fingers. He focused on the here and now, on the fact that he had a guest, a patient at this point, who was in dire need of help - and who apparently had an issue with her very soul. He took a deep breath and focused his attention back on Eteri as she explained - an angry red soul? That was... concerning. Was it connected to what that cobalt bastard had been working with in the forest - wait. Wait wait wait.

    Nevin was remembering that angry, ugly red power that had flowed into him inside the Red Forest as Eteri chattered at him, explaining that she had a soul that was not her own lodged inside of her - and that she had no soul of her own. That was -
    well, worrying firstly because she had no soul? How had that happened? And secondly - that vile redness had been potent and powerful, even in tattered remnants. Was that why they were having this reaction, the 'red soul' inside of her was reacting to the fact that he had held, or was holding, parts of its former power? That was absurd - that soul had died and been moved on, there was no way it recognized its former -

    Why had she scratched up his shirt? And what on earth was she talking about, see nimen? What was that - wait, copper on his lips? Crimson, was there blood on his lips? The blood mage flicked his tongue out, testing to see if he had bit himself while trying to maintain his composure or something - just in time for Eteri to say something about her own lips, and then fall forward. What happened then could be called a 'kiss' in the loosest, or was that strictest?, sense of the word. Eteri fell forward,
    smashing her open mouth against Nevin's, and the redhead felt two things happen almost simultaneously. His tongue, which had been darting out to test for blood on his lips, slipped inside her open mouth, and her sharp canines grazed his lips,
    and now there was definitely blood.

    Reflexively Nevin's hands had shot up to try catching Eteri as she fell, but they had frozen, holding her shoulders loosely, as his brain stalled at the unexpected contact. His shock was great enough that he even stopped breathing, and he almost anticipated the slap that was sure to come as he tried to get his body to respond. This was not going to be pretty, he just knew it.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin


    My eyes fluttered, my head heavy. I could smell blood in the air, and it wasn't my own. I mumbled, only to realize the sensation of skin against my own I parted my lips and exhaled. I knew what this was. It was a kiss. Albeit awkward, and strange. Did Narvin have a fetish or penchant for blood or something? I didn't mind the interaction. I mean, I wasn't exactly looking for such things but this? This felt nice. I gave another murmur as I pressed my lips further against his. I opened my mouth, inviting him to continue, tilting my head to the side but before anything could be instigated, and this day turn into something most definitely not child friendly I stilled.

    I could feel his large hands on my shoulders, and that's when I pulled away, blinking. Blurry. I stared down at his, our eyes and our faces just inches apart. I wasn't expecting it, and by the looks of it, neither was he. I blinked, continuing to stare silently at him as I tried to recount the events that happened. I was talking about my soul. Then I felt dizzy, and I think I almost collapsed, but instead of my head meeting the floor, it somehow met with the tall-dirty-soul man.

    "Nevin..." I finally said as I pushed myself up and righted myself onto the chair. "I no feel good." I shook my head and rested it against the flat of the tabletop. "Is sorry. Not normal for Eteri to burn like this." I wrapped my hands around my waist. "Eteri will be ok soon. Just burning...right now..."

    My eyes narrowed as I glanced to the side at him. Trying to figure him out. There had to be a reason why the burning sensation was worse around him, but not as bad when I was practically touching him. What was it? Did he feel similar? He certainly didn't seem to have a fever. Other than a little frazzled...he seemed fine.

    Actually, he looked frozen in place.

    "Was kiss that bad?"
    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:59 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  6. #6
    Senior Member

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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    The blue haired girl almost collapsed into one of the other chairs, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she swayed back and forth slightly. She still seemed sick, and Nevin hoped that she wasn't having an allergic reaction - no, she was skilled with souls and she knew that this was tied to the soul inside of her. Her head rolled to the side slightly, yellow eye cracking open to peer at him, and Nevin was still processing what had happened when she asked that.

    He shook his head, violently. From what he had, ah, learned, and what he remembered from his initial life, questions like that had to be answered no matter what. And while the teeth in his lip had been unpleasant, the pleasures of that few moments outweighed the sting of pain. He lifted one hand up and brought his fingers away, raising an eyebrow at the sight of fresh blood dotting his fingertips.

    "I - I would admit that despite the pain that was an extremely pleasant situation. However. I'd rather not have it happen when you aren't feeling well. It feels a bit... Unsavory, like I was taking advantage of you." He shook his head and focused his magic for a moment the blood on his fingers and lips swirling off of his body and into a thin, hard disk that he set on the table by his elbow. He coughed, and smiled at her.

    " And you are welcome to stay here and recover as long as you need to." Inwardly, the man was doing his best to up press the shivers that wee running along his frame. Both from the deep kiss - and he one knew she had been starting to reciprocate despite neither of them intending to kiss there - and the almost hungry screaming of that strange magic remnants that demanded he go back and grab onto her again. That was not happening though.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  7. #7
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    I nodded as I lifted my head. "Eteri like." I laughed as I pushed my hair back out of my face. "Eteri not have home anyway. Eteri just wander and sleep in warm places. Safe places. I gave him a lop sided grin. "Not Eteri fault. you face got in way." I pointed at him and leaned forward to press the pad of my index finger against his forehead. " in way of Eteri and floor."

    I felt...oops, I think I was delirious...are you delirious if you are aware you're delirious? I mean... the room was spinning and my body was burning. I found it impossibly hard to concentrate on words or sentences... yeh. I guess that counts. Or maybe I just needed...

    I slipped out of the chair and found my way to Narvin. Almost like felt right. I found my way to his lap and had nestled into it, the whole booty waggle and all as I made myself comfortable. I could feel him stiffen, but frankly, I was too out of it to care. Venex didn't mind when I did this. So why would Narvin? My clawed fingers lazily scritch scratched at his extended arm and I pressed my heated forehead to the underside of his chin. This felt...better. I didn't feel like I was burning form the inside out like this. It felt like a content warmth.

    "You is like bunny..." I muttered with a purr.
    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:59 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  8. #8
    Senior Member

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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    "If that's the result of getting in your way of meeting the floor, I think I have to do it more often." Nevin bit his lip almost as soon as the words were out - he had not meant to say that, no sir no ma'am. It was the brothel's fault, he flat out blamed it on those visits. If he had just decided to stay celibate and not break his seven year dry spell he would not be making these comments. But then he focused on the other part of that statement - she didn't have a home, or even a normal place to stay? That - damn it. His magic was thrumming, humming angrily inside of him, and he knew that if he didn't help her, he would end up regretting it.

    At least he had already offered to let her stay here and rest. He would have to see about setting up a partition, a place for her to rest and sleep to recover. He wouldn't try to force her to stay here, but having somewhere safe to return to regularly would probably be a big help. He raised an eyebrow as the woman suddenly stood up, a strangely calculating look on her face.

    Slow, soft footsteps carried her over to the man, and she pushed him back in his chair before slipping into his lap,
    curling up into his lap. If it wasn't for the - oh why did she wriggle that caused reactions - definitely human
    aspects, he would have been able to close his eyes and think that he just had a very large cat in his lap, right down to the content purring and a gentle dragging of nails against one arm. He had no idea why she said he was like a rabbit though - he didn't really see himself as a prey animal. Or cute.

    Well, now he wasn't going anywhere in the near future.
    Despite the fact that the medicine hadn't worked, being tucked into his lap seemed to be helping her, she was no longer shaking and sweating, no signs of pain or burning while she was in contact with him. Strange, was this a situation of like calling to like, and being in contact satiated that need for proximity? The remnants of that strange magic in his system had definitely calmed down on his end as well, so maybe there was something to that thought.

    Well, whatever the case, this was his life for the moment.
    So he began to stroke her head, gently petting the girl in his lap. It was... Oddly satisfying.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  9. #9
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    "If that's the result of getting in your way of meeting the floor, I think I have to do it more often."

    I lazily opened my eyes to look up at him, he was gently dragging his fingers down and across my head and his nails ever so slightly grazed my scalp. I loved it. I loved scritchies and pats. This was so relaxing. I think his potion was working. Although, at the same time, I also felt a little sleepy. I pondered his question. Was he wanting another kiss? It sounded like it. The thought did cross my mind. Now... I don't consider myself a sexual creature, in the slightest. Such things don't really interest me, nor do I pursue them. Unless I was on heat that is, and I was close to that time. Maybe that's why I was staring at him. That angled jaw, those slightly marred lips (oops that was me, wasn't it? I mean I think it was his fault for getting between me and the floor but I still feel a little bad) Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't.

    Still. He did ask

    I reached up and gently laid a hand against his cheek as I lifted myself up from his lap just enough for me to guide his lips to my own. I wriggled again as they connected. Content...this made me feel content. I could feel the buzzing satisfaction of the angry red soul inside of me. Well, I suppose it wasn't angry now, for the first time since the thing clawed its way into me it felt as though it was pleased. Nevin stiffened for a moment, tensing up, before his hand cupped the back of my head, cradling it as he returned the kiss. I murmured, tail swishing happily as I did another lil' butt wriggle before breaking away. I didn't want to get too carried away now.

    Hell, I only just met this man. That ship hasn't sailed yet.

    I sat my head back against his torso and slowly opened and closed my eyes. I felt him shift, then, the pats returned. I arched my back and my nails dug into his skin. Yes. I definitely loved the scratches. My eyes were feeling heavy. Unlike Nevin... I actually slept! They opened and closed slowly, and before I lost consciousness. I swore I saw something...

    A little bug...and it was sorta green but not green...
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  10. #10

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
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    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
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    Okay so like I saw this bug ...
    No judgement


    Nevin receives:
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    135 Gold

    Eteri receives:
    1060 EXP
    135 Gold

    "Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red."
    Clive Barker

    "A room without books is like a body without a soul."
    Marcus Cicero
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
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