Nevin: I just got a new notebook, what should I put it in?
Eteri: Put spaghetti in it.
Nevin: I'm taking suggestions from anyone else.
Felicity: Put spaghetti in it.
Nevin: I'm taking suggestions from anyone except you two.
Fenn: Put spaghetti in it.
Nevin: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
Source: Tumblr.

Felicity: [Trips on air]
Nevin: Haha, you're so clumsy!
[Later when Felicity's not around]
Nevin, punching the air: Who do you think you are, who tHE CRIMSON THREAD DO YOU THINK-
Source: ???

Felicity: I'll have the number 8.
Yvonne: That's a party platter, it serves 12 people.
Felicity: I know what I'm about son.
Source: Parks and Rec.

Felicity: "What happens if you put a werewolf up on the moon" is a great question. Probably the best question ever.
Nosdyn: He will explode and die because there's no oxygen on the moon.
Felicity: We never said we'd send him up without a suit, you absolute monster.
Source: Tumblr.

Yvonne: It was a gift from my mother.
Felicity: Your mom gives pretty bad gifts. Although, on the other hand all my mom ever gave me was abandonment issues, so...
Source: B99

Jake: Nosdyn, wake up!
Nosdyn: Five more minutes...
Jake: You've been in a coma since the goblin attack on Stonevale!
Nosdyn: ... Okay, three more minutes.
Source: Vine.

Golem: Why are you taking your shoes off?
Nevin: So I don't break your nose when I kick it.
Felicity: I can fight my own battles.
Nevin: No, you can't.
Source: ???

Fenn: I sure showed those guys, huh team?
Fenn: Did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?
Source: ???

Jake, whispering: I don't like you.
Nosdyn, whispering: I'll get over it.
Source: Modern Family.

Fenn: Why is Yvonne on top of the building?
Felicity: She likes to be tall.
Source: ???

Felicity: What do we do, Yvonne?
Yvonne: I don't know!
Felicity: You're the oldest!
Yvonne: Not mentally!
Source: ???

Nevin: [Breaks window]
Nevin: Vandalism is wrong, Felicity.
Source: Tumblr.