Mylie's eyes grew round like saucers at the noise she heard coming from the back room. The growl, the sound of something snapping in half and the sound of shattering glass caused the little kitten to jump slightly up in the air. Her antics caused the beautiful sapphire butterfly to flutter from Nevin's finger and it begin to float around the store like a bright blue beacon. A beacon that was catching the startled little kitten's attention. In a excited voice Mylie muttered "I know Nevin, I know mommy always protects me and..." before she leapt off to chase after the butterfly the jittery little girl had to finish her conversation with Nevin first, turning to look up at him with her round cute green orbs she garbled out "I know mommy could get hurt, she'll do anything for me. I don't want that...but, it's my instincts! When I see something I want! I can't help but chase after it Mister Nevin! Maybe...though, your right I could ask mommy to join in my fun!" her tail then twitched after her last words left her mouth.

Her energy was endless as without hesitation she bounded onto the shop's counter top and begin to scramble after the butterfly, over her shoulder she purrs "I know your pills aren't candy! They don't smell sweet like Mister's Nevin's do! By the way I still want candy Nevin!" she then begin to try to gracefully leap over the various potion concoctions that were neatly lined up on the pristine counter. However her tail always in motion managed to nip the side of a small star shaped bottle and it tipped over onto the counter-top. The little rambunctious kitty was not paying attention, her only goal was to catch the little fluttering insect that was just out of her grasp to catch as a pet!

Rainee meanwhile let out an exasperated sigh, her voice was stern as she called to her daughter "Mylie...Honey come on! Please don't chase the pretty blue butterfly all over this nice girl's store! You are going to make a mess! If you have to exert that endless supply of energy sweetie, why don't you ask Nevin to play with you? Or perhaps..." Rainee gestured to the teenage girl alchemist who was trying to cope with her daughter's troublesome behavior and finished up "this nice young lady here? Playing games with them would be a much calmer way to have fun, instead of causing a ruckus by chasing this poor scared creature all over this shop!"

Mylie let out a pained meow, her paw now tipping over a medium sized leaf shaped potion bottle in an attempt to grab the skittering butterfly just out of her reach. Her face looked focused but annoyed as she whined "Nooooo mommy! I don't want to play! I want this butterfly! It keeps flying away from me!"

The nekojin's silver eyes narrowed to slits, her voice was growing even more tense as she hissed out, her tail now twitching slightly "I am your mother Mylie! You need to behave! I don't want you causing a mess like you did back in Nevin' s shop!" she then turned to the red haired alchemist and in a soft voice asked pleadingly "Do you have any candy you can give her? She seems to be in a mood today and I know my little one...candy would definitely distract her from trying to catch that poor insect and in the process causing chaos in your friend's shop!" she then moved towards him a pleading smile on her lips as she finished asking "Please? She really is driving crazy today!"