Nevin helped the girl to her feet, but kept his hands on her shoulders, supporting her. Even if she didn't want to admit it, he could see that she was worn out already, torn and stressed by reliving her memories. He didn't know exactly how powerful those memories had been for her, but it was clear that she had been trapped in their grip and felt the emotions from them all over again. The teen felt, looked, sounded, like her nerves were raw and shot, and the alchemist was easily able to see her attempt at redirecting his focus for what it was.

He gave her shoulders a squeeze. “We will talk more about this later little snowflake. I promise you, I won't judge you for having emotions.” No, he was actually more likely to be upset with her if she tried to hide away and bottle things up again. The only reason that he was letting her sidestep the issue here and now was be a use she was right - the miners did need help. But so did she. Thankfully, her help could come later - he would be there when she needed it. For now, the miners needed them.

But he was reminded again of his thought before - just how long had the girl been hiding behind her anger, letting that easy emotion come instead of dealing with the more painful ones of sorrow and grief? From what he knew, the longer she went with using anger as her default emotion, the harder it would be for her to feel other things. She'd resort to anger for nearly every situation. No, this would need to be handled as soon as they could afford the time to approach it. If she was trying to get a handle on her anger and stress, which were exacerbated by the strange energy that dwelt within her blood, then training her out of hiding behind her anger would be a vital step in that direction.

Sadly, for now, the issue of the miners and the elemental entity that they had awoken needed to be addressed first. Lives were at stake, from what they had been told, and helping Felicity with her emotional trauma would take more than a single day to work through, and it would take trusted faces, not people who had been involved in the atrocity committed upon her. The male redhead drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, and studied the girl for a moment.

“Are you alright to stand, little snowflake, or do you need a few moments?” His dark eyes watched the teen he was holding onto carefully. He was gauging her, watching to see if she'd be alright, or if he needed to make the decision to have her return to the shop to rest and recover. Nevin was well aware that emotions you didn't normally feel could be extremely draining on a person, and he did not want Felicity hurting herself out of some misguided need to be ‘useful’.