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  1. #6

    EXP: 5,465, Level: 3
    Level completed: 12%, EXP required for next Level: 3,535
    Level completed: 12%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,535

    darkest.desires.'s Avatar


    Camille Arianna Dark
    Let me out, Cammy. Nikita groaned, at first she glanced at the man but he seemed to be able to handle himself. Against my better judgement I quickly discarded my clothing, my sun kissed skin felt the warm of the rays. My attention drew back to the man as he hollered over.

    His jaw opened slightly, and he let out a mildly strangled sound of shock. His eyes lingered on me for a moment before he snapped his attention back to his troll, slamming his blade back into it - strangely, into its face, in its eyes.

    A small sound of laughter left my plush lips before my muscles contracted. The sound of laughter quickly replaced with the sounds of moaning. My limbs grew short, my spin arched slightly and my skin melted into white fur. I could feel Nikita taking over as my jaw snapped, my teeth elongated into sharp fangs.

    Yes, I can’t wait to tear this beast piece by fucking piece. A howl tossed back my head as I was now a larger version of a white wolf. Shaking out my muscles I charged towards the beast. Darting in between it’s large swiping claws, my teeth sank into hand. My jaw locked tight as I tossed my head from side to side. I could hear the sweet sound of flesh and bone breaking away from a limb.

    Two long appendages ripped away from it’s hand and landed on the ground. My white muzzle was now stained crimson. I heard an approving laugh in the background, then a bellow of pain. “I see, just maim them and whittle them down, then it won't matter how long it takes. Of course!”

    Nikita growled with approval towards the human hunter. Taking advantage of the troll on the ground I jumped onto the beast. My claws digging into it’s flesh giving me some traction to move. The kill shot was open and I would be stupid not to take it. As my fangs wrapped around the girth of the neck a claw side swiped me. I bit down through the pain, the blood that filled my mouth was coppery. It choked back the howl filled with pain from the blow I had received.

    The troll started to choke as well, the sound of gurgling filled the area around the opening. Digging my claws in deeper I pulled and pulled with all my might, using the brunt of my strength in my hind legs. The sight was something out of a picture book, an overgrown dog tugging on it’s favorite toy.

    By the time the chunk of throat separated from the beast’s body, my white fur was now a matted mess of red, some of the crimson liquid my own. Slowly the beast’s cries died down to nothing as it laid still, in a puddle of it’s own blood.

    Hopping down from the beast I tried to shift, at first Nikita fought me. You said you would change willingly. I growled in her mind with frustration. Slowly she allowed the bones to start changing back into my human self.

    By the end of the change I was still covered in blood and had a semi large gash on my left hip. I tentatively touched the wounded, “son of a bitch.” I hissed in pain kicking the beast out of frustration which shot another sharp sensation to my open cut. Another chain of curse words leapt from my lips as I cradled my hip slightly.
    Last edited by darkest.desires.; 12-13-2017 at 07:38 PM.
    * Gnarloc & Camille* Winner of Best Althanas Couple.

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