His faith was called to question at that point.

For the longest time, since Lorenor had given Sei Orlouge five years of his life...he’d been a stalwart defender of the light. Lorenor felt the light’s calming energies passing through his body as he maneuvered through The Brokenthorn Forest. His eyes were closed and it was night, very late into the night as a matter of face where our story begins.

Lorenor looked up at the stars and recognized a few of the constellations native to Althanas. The stars calmed him down normally, but at that point...he knew he was scared. His armour is strong. Enchanted. There has to be a reason for that. Lorenor thought to himself as he walked through the wilderness. I maybe should have taken Will up on his offer and have him join me. But there is something else going on. This is my test to help me find my purpose...I can feel it. Lorenor guessed that something else was likely occurring that he was not seeing. He could not place anybody else that lived in Stonevale in danger, his code forbade that.

As he walked he suddenly felt another presence.

”You.” Lorenor suddenly said as he opened his glowing eyes and looked up at the black knight as he looked directly at him. Lorenor hesitated. There is something else going on, I have to learn the truth of why this is all happening. Lorenor adjusted his body for a moment, shifting uncomfortably in his own skin.

”You’re here. I knew you would be.” The black knight’s voice echoed from out of the helmet he wore. ”The blood is the key.” The black knight looked directly at Lorenor and talked to him. ”You didn’t hesitate last time...why do you do so now?” The Black knight asked.

Lorenor looked carefully at the black knight. I need answers...I have to know the why of all this. Lorenor thought about what he would say to the strong man. ”I have to know.” Lorenor said. ”I have to know the truth. You are not attacking folks for want of coin...there has to be something else you’re far too powerful.” Lorenor thought he understood the nature of good and evil at its very core. This is something different...I don’t know what is actually going on.

The black knight found himself also hesitating at that point. ”You want to know...the truth of why I am doing this?” The man looked away for a moment then back towards Lorenor. ”What I am about to tell you is not so easily understood.”

Lorenor raised his right hand in a tightly clenched fist at that point. ”I have to KNOW!” Lorenor started to walk towards the black knight at that point.

The black knight paused for a moment and then looked directly at Lorenor’s approach. ”I know who you are.” The black knight said. ”You’re called Lorenor.” He continued carefully. ”You are the one I have been waiting for...and the reason why all of this started.” The black knight looked away one more time and then returned his gaze. ”Lorenor. This will be difficult for you to understand...but you are MY FATHER.” The black knight suddenly removed his helmet, blonde hair, fair skin, green eyes. He put his helmet on the ground.

Lorenor stopped his approach at this point. ”You are correct...I do not understand how any of this shit could be possible.” Lorenor looked at the black knight, he knew there was no way the man could be lying. Lorenor tried to think of any time he could have had any female companion but the last significant other that he’d had was in fact Urei...or was there more to it than that? ”HELP ME UNDERSTAND.” Lorenor suddenly yelled.

The black knight reached into his packs and pulled out a small journal. ”A long time ago, you gave this to my Mother before you vanished.” He extended his hand towards Lorenor and tossed the small book at him, as if judging him for past crimes. ”I hated you for a long time.”

”...Your Mother…?” Lorenor knew that a huge clue to figuring out who he actually was rested on the ground in front of him. A small journal that could hold all of the truth that he needed.

”I could not make a move on you when you belonged to The Ixian Knights that time of your life.” The black knight continued. ”But I’ve carefully tracked your movements. This was from before you became a pathetic follower of N’Jal.” The black knight looked at Lorenor accusingly. Then something happened. He kept his hand extended towards Lorenor and yelled something that the paladin did not expect. ”SHOW ME YOUR SOUL.” The black knight yelled.

Reality flashed before Lorenor’s eyes as the black knight entered his mind…