Ven laughed, despite the pain. Yeah, there was no question, this was definitely Eteri. His eyes still had trouble focusing, so most of his vision was still a blur, yet he had no doubt that this was her. Who else was wore blue and was this energetic? From her voice to her actions, everything screamed Eteri.

And for that he was thankful. He needed a friendly face, and Eteri definitely fit the bill. Archie too, but he was still an old fart. Eteri was his friend acquaintance partner kindred spirit of fun. It was nice to see- err mostly see her.

And when she tackle hugged him? Already water under the bridge, the pain he was feeling notwithstanding.

When Ven was finished, he smiled brightly and responded, “Noticed that now did ya? Well I have a story to tell, as I’m sure you do. Very exciting, and I can assure you I was absolutely amazing. A few hiccups, a bit of pain, but I came out on top like the fantastic person I am.”

Ven then looked at the door of the shop, then back at Eteri. “Well, we can exchange details in a bit. I’m going to get a room an inn nearby and we’ll be able to talk there. But first, I have to see Archie.

Eteri smiled back in response, then exclaimed loudly, “Okay! Venn talk to Barchie, then we go talk because I have lots to say!”

Ven, in Akashimian, responded, “Well then, let’s move on.” He then opened the door to Archie’s shop and hobbled in with Eteri following close behind.

Archie was at the counter, deep into a book, however the arrival of the blue loving duo snapped him out of his stupor. Archie froze as he saw Ven in front of him?

“Ven? You’re alive? Thanks be! After the reports i’ve received… Well I could only assume the worse,” said the old man. A moment later, he quickly asked, “What did you do?”

Ven blinked, then smirked. “What do you mean what did I do? What could make you think that I could have done anything?”

Archie deadpanned. “You’re a trouble magnet.”

Still smirking, Ven shot back, “And?”

“Silver Scales is now nothing but a burning ruin.”

“Old buildings are flammable. How does that link to me?”

“You were there.”

“That is true.”

“You also are injured and look like shit-”

“Hey, that’s not nice!”

“Ven! What happened?” Archie demanded.

Ven chuckled. “Ok, well first off, after our little conversation, I went to check the place out. It has gone down the drain I tell you. Anyway, nothing of interest happened for a long time. I would know because I was in a tree and was watching it.”

Archie blinked, then gave a frustrated sigh. “A tree… You were in a tree waiting… Ok…”

Ven nodded and continued on. “Yes, a very good tree. So I waited forever, but no one was showing up. But then they did. Sneaky bastard. So I climb to the roof all quiet like and look in. Big meeting, about 15 people. Talking about money and secret tunnels and blah blah blah. Then Mr. leader opens a box that they had on the table, and the dagger was there. Shiny too. Obviously the one. So move closer, but the roof didn’t agree with me and broke. Then I fell.”

“You fell into the meeting?” Archie whisper yelled.

Again, Ven nodded. “Yeah, it hurt. But I got up quickly, They pulled out their weapons and told me to get on my knees. But I wasn’t their mother last night, and I said so, and they didn’t take kindly to that. So they come at me, doors are blocked, I got to fight. So I do. Ven no good against big group fight. They did the hurts on me. So I did the only thing I could do,I went for the dagger. They were all like ‘No, stop him!’, but I was fast. I grabbed it, and it got all glowy and stuff, and I started to hurt more. I no likey and threw it at a man, then big boom. Then I died.”

Archie blinked. “You died?”

Ven paused to think for a second. “Or maybe it was everyone else died. Had a crazy dream. But I woke up and walked, And now I’m here.” Ven then nodded once again. “Yeah, that’s how it went down more or less. Oh, and before I forget,” Ven pulled out the dagger from his satchel, holding it by the cloth he wrapped it in and placing it on the counter. “Here you go!”

Ven then turned around and started to walk away. “Bye Archie, I’ll be back soon.”

Archie could only stare at the dagger as he tried to process what the hell just happened.