I blinked, staring at the moon as I felt my hands get bound. That - alright, what was happening here. The girl - and half my age, of course she was a girl - was supposed to have ended me. That's how Hunts went, unless you were hunting for information. And she clearly had been coming for my blood, for my life. So why -

Why was I staring at the moon still? I frowned beneath my mask and flexed my hands once. The fabric around them was tight and secure. I was turned around, to see - the faun woman seemed torn. To one side, her fox companion had carefully taken the Saw-Spear in his muzzle, and was -

“Ware, little one. There's enough space for fingers between haft and blade, but naught else. If you wish to carry it, there's a mechanism that will extend the blade outwards.” It was like watching one of my siblings play with the blade. The fox grunted and pawed for a moment, then with a click the Saw-Spear snapped open, bouncing with the force of the trigger mechanism. The fox jumped back slightly, his hackles up - but the blade lay there, inert, and he tentatively picked it up, hefting it awkwardly with his muzzle.

I turned my gaze back to the girl, staring at her with my head tilted to one side. What did she plan now? This entire evening had fallen in line with her wishes, and I hadn't even realized it. So why, now, was I still alive. I raised one eyebrow slowly.

“I've already told you all I will about the project, and I will not tell you of the other volunteers.” I said, curiosity dripping into my calm tone. “Is there something else you needed, girl?” I paused. “Apologies. Lady.” It was difficult to think of someone barely in academy years as a lady, but the other races did mature faster. She certainly had the endowments of someone at least twice her age. Well. Comparatively.

The faun rolled her eyes, letting out an irritated bleat of some kind. “Just shut up, for now,” she growled as she pulled me away from the wall. Beneath my mask I pressed my lips shut, and felt my other eyebrow rise to my hairline. There was the sound of another blade slipping from a sheath and this time a dagger was pressed to my neck as I was shoved forwards. She looked around, and frowned.

“You can jump down?” I tilted my head in a nod. “Don't try to run. I'll just kill you.” That - was obvious. I moved to the edge again, and jumped down, dropping down the two stories to land with a somewhat painful thud, as my knees flexed. A few moments later - ah. The fox could grow. That was - annoying. But he held the five foot long Saw-Spear in his mouth with ease now, as he landed on the ground next to me. He stared steadily at me until the faun girl dropped down as well, and she quickly grabbed my shirt and pressed her dagger to the small of my back, obscuring it from view as she started forcing me down the streets.