She sat in a public house, at the edge of a city she knew well.

Not as well of course as Beinost itself, where her lord, employer, god and otherwise master lived, and thus she did too. Now here, in Radasanth, she was becoming familiar with the strange old network of streets and the mismatched houses spoke of the old wars and battles, including the current situation with the Assembly. But then politics were politics, and, as Vitruvion said, "mortals would always be mortals." They would find ways of making anything violent.

She was there at the edge of the harbour because of one thing - she had failed. Or they had failed. Two ships now out of the three Vitruvion owned were under water, with the Spirited Wave had burnt upon the sea.

Stare had flown right over the water when her and Nosdyn had found it gone. Gone, from where it should have been North of the harbour of the town she had met the demon. She has needed to settle on a fishing sloop, throwing them money before continuing. And meanwhile she had abandoned her friend with whom she had only just been reconnected with. Then she had kept going on, right on until she had seen the burning water, and - and -

She sighed into her cider. She had not been kind to Nosdyn in just leaving him. Of course, he had been given money for his troubles, but her road had brought her to Radasanth in order to ensure that Vitruvion's last ship was well. With the Zephyr and the Spirited Wave gone all their hope now lay with the Siren's Wake. Which was due to come in any hour now.

So she had been told. And with the added security hired for that ship, there was hope it would be successful.

She shook her head and raised a hand into the sky. A bartender nodded and bustled over in the quiet tavern, knowing Stare as a kenku of some reputation. Stare asked for paper and a quill, and within moments she was brought what she asked. All for a small fee.

And she wrote.

Nosdyn, she said, hoping that Vitruvion was listening. But he had many things in his mind, so it was possible he would not be. I am sorry we left so abruptly. You did things when we met that make me worried. And that elf ...

Just please let me know you are safe. I need to wait a single day to ensure the safety of the last ship, then we can meet again. If you wish. If you want.
