Amari stood to leave shortly after Jake. She had planned to go the training grounds and sit and watch him for a short while, just to show that she was there and wanted to support him. Then she figured she’d return to the greenhouse, not to heal any of the plants today but to rest. She didn’t have it in her to do any work. Just as she was leaving the entrance was blocked by the blonde haired vixen. “Amari~” she cooed as she looped her arm around Amari’s shoulder. “Let’s walk and talk.”

“Isabelle, I don’t do well with contact… it.-”

Isabelle quickly withdrew her arm. “Ah! My mistake.” She sounded genuinely surprised. “I didn’t mean to intrude. Are you heading to the Dansdel?”

Amari nodded. “Yeh… I was going to watch Jake a bit then head of. I’ll see him this evening.”

“Uhp, actually...he and I have plans this evening.” Isabelle said. “And I mean… I guess its ok for you to watch him today, but you shouldn’t do that so much yanno? I’m his girl now, that’s my job.” Isabelle laughed. “Nothing against you, I’d just feel a little funny about having another woman around him so much. You’d understand right? Imagine if I was all over Joshua?” She snorted, “well, again.”

Amari narrowed her eyes at the implication. “What you do in your own time is up to you, but Joshua and I...we haven’t done anything of the sort. I just told you I don’t do well with physical contact.”

“What? No shit. Really? You mean you two didn’t-”

“What? No! I mean..all we did was talk...Isabelle… you can’t expect me to stay away from Jake. He’s my friend.” Amari wasn't sure what to think of Isabelle, a part of her thought the girl was kind, but then there were times where it seemed like she was controlling or had ulterior motives. It was difficult to tell, and Amari was never really good with social interaction so couldn’t tell if it were her own paranoia or not.

“Well. Jake and I are fucking. So I’d appreciate it if you backed off. I’ll let today slide, but don’t do it again.” she muttered.

Amari wanted to tell the girl that she had no right saying what Amari could and couldn’t do. Amari felt for the first time in well….ever a fire burn inside of her. A part of her wanted to slap some sense into the woman, but she held her hand stiffly to her side. “Jake isn’t a commodity to own.” Amari hissed. “Don’t treat him like an object.”

At this Isabelle scoffed. “Oh, like you’d be able to treat him any better. You can’t even have him touch you. No wonder why he’s so worked up. Face it, sweetheart. You’re not cut out for this.” Isabelle moved in front of Amari. “Why don’t you go run along to your little plants and play botany with the crazy ol’ lady.”

“I want to see Jake.”

Isabelle took a step closer. “Did I not make myself clear?” Amari felt a prick against her skin and realised it was a small dagger. It was not uncommon for women to carry them around tucked away in the folds of their clothing...but to have one drawn on her? Amari realised she should have trusted her gut. “Step away and head to your little house. Mention a word of this to anyone and I will cut out your pretty little tongue.” Isabelle hissed. “I like Jake, he’s a good fuck, a good soul, and has a plethora of magic at his fingertips. He will be happy with me.”

Isabelles voice lightened as she stepped away, giving Amari a light pat on her shoulder. “Ahaha, oh sweetie, you and your crazy plant talk. I do hope we can still be friends.” And with that she waved Amari goodbye.

At a loss of what to do, Amari turned and headed home. She didn’t want to deal with people today, if this is how they truly were. Returning to the inn Amari locked herself in her room and shut off all the lights before grabbing the blanket off the bed and sitting in the corner of her room.

Humans were bastards.

She pressed her head into her knees and for the first time in her life, she felt anger, real anger - a fury that she didn’t know how to cope with or deal with.