((This thread takes place on an alternate timeline. Closed to Amari.))

“Jake, I’m never going to learn to fight like you,” Amari said, crossing her arms so the wooden practice sword he’d foisted upon her rested in the crook of her arm.

“You say that now,” The half elf replied, holding his own liviol tonfa in a low guard, “but what if one day you need to defend yourself, and all you have is a sword? Or a stick?” With a sigh Amari loosened her shoulders and bent her knees and the pair circled one another within one of many dirt rings at the Dansdel Fight Club. An autumn breeze nipped over the treetops of the forest Concordia and swirled about Underwood, where it scratched at the youths’ bare hands.

“Alright,” Jake said, “try not to cross your feet. Yes, like that. Okay. I’m going to come at you with a basic swing. Are you ready?”

“I uh-think so,” Amari held the practice sword in front of her with both hands as if it were a ceremonial candle. Her attention wavered as her gaze shifted between him and her.

“Err, good.” Jake muttered. “Just use the block I showed you, okay? Here it-”

“Isn’t that Breaker?” Amari loosened her grip and the weapon ‘thunked’ against the ground, hilt still clasped in her hand.

“It doesn’t mat- wait, who?” Jake turned around in time to see a tall, broad shouldered man sling his opponent to the ground as effortlessly as lacing his boots. The felled man groaned and lay still. As the victor cracked his neck the sun caught the familiar Y-shaped scar beneath his left eye. Jake and Amari had met the man at the earlier that week, and shared a drink with him. He’d shown a strange interest in Amari, calling her a… what was it? Ar’Tuel.

“Are you alright?” The redheaded young woman cried. She dropped her practice sword in the dirt and rushed to the fallen man’s side. Jake sighed and shook his head, sliding his tonfa through its belt loop and following in her wake.

“Amari,” Joshua “Breaker” Cronen said in surprise. The martial artist tousled his close-cropped brown hair and looked past her. “And Jake. Fancy meeting you both here again.”

“I’m fine lass,” wheezed the man on the ground. “Just a little winded is all.” Amari breathed a sigh of relief and stood, dusting herself off and stepping back to Jake’s side.

“Hey, since you’re free,” Jake said as the other man walked away holding his ribs, “how about showing me a move or two?” Despite his reservations about the martial artist, the half elf could scarcely pass up an opportunity to learn from such an instructor.

“Sure,” Cronen grinned. He pointed at Jake’s hip. “Draw your weapon.” Jake put his right hand on the tonfa’s handle and drew the fighting stick across his body like a sword, as every teacher he’d ever had had shown him to do. “Wrong,” Josh interrupted. “Put it back.”

Jake’s brow furrowed, but he slid the stick back through its belt loop.

“Drawing your weapon is your first attack, and your first defense.” Cronen explained. “Practice pulling it straight out and up, with your left hand, and then pass it to your right.

“Like this?” Jake asked. He drew the tonfa forcefully, aiming the crosspiece at an imaginary foe’s jaw.

“Exactly,” Cronen said with a smile and a nod. “Now practice that. Fifty times today, and fifty times every day from now until it’s as easy and fluid as taking off your cap.”

“Fifty times?” Jake said incredulously. “That was a quick lesson. What will you be doing?”

“I thought I might have a word with your friend,” Breaker said, turning to Amari, who had been politely standing by. “How is Underwood liking you so far?”