I blinked. This Kenku was following me. Why? <”Oh look. Bird again. Plotting again.”> I chided, puffing up my cheeks. I was convinced that she was going to lead me away, cook me and eat me or something. Sneaky little things!

The bird woman didn’t respond, just stared at me - waiting for an answer. <”Not lost. Well… maybe a little bit lost, but in the end...I guess...I just ended up wandering. Why? What’s with you following me?”> My eyes narrowed. <”You’re not going to eat me are you?”>

The bird woman looked at the being oddly, a tilt to her head. <”Not following you. But, I saw you …>” she paused, trying to excuse herself. <“Again. And I don't eat cats. Too much fur.”>

It sounded….suspicious to say the least. Not following her, but just so happened to see her? And what? Approach again? <”When I see people… I don’t normally approach them constantly…”> My tail flicked side to side as I wrinkled my nose. <”If we go get something to eat can you tell me why you seem to be so interested in me?”>

Stare paused before blinking, and seemed to consider that food was an alright suggestion. After all, crows get hungry too. She nodded, though cautiously.

I nodded. <”Right.”> Admittedly.... It was much easier speaking in Akashiman. My grasp on tradespeak was juvenile at best and it wasn’t always good..no, nope. Not at all. At least it let me get away with a lot of things with people thinking I was younger than I am. I offered the bird a toothy grin. <”What is your name anyway?”>

<“Well, I get called Stare …”> Her tone was still wary.

Stare. The creatures name was Stare. I guess that made sense, she had big beady black eyes and it did feel like she was… well staring right through you. I shivered as I headed toward the nearest cafe, letting my nose guide me. It was a little unnerving...was that how people felt when they found out I could see their souls?

I barged into the cafe, the bells chimed and an alarmed portly lady stared right at me. She wore white, white and more white. Apron, dress, and a bandana that spinndly light orange hairs poked out of. “Excusing! Need the tables please!” I exclaimed.

She nodded and ushered us to a table, in the back corner. Away from everyone and as far away from the eyes of passerbys if they were to look into the store. I huffed. <“Rude...we’re not that strange…”> I muttered. <“Mmm Maybe you Stare… You don’t see many….ah… Kenku was it? Around here. Still… did they have to put us in the back corner?”> I was annoyed. I picked up the menu and stared at it.

I couldn’t read tradespeak but it felt better to angrily stare at the menu and imagining that it had burst into flames.