Before we really get into the fray of approvals and what not, please be sure to read the rules thoroughly and start asking any questions. I tried to cover all the bases and be as clear as possible. If you notice some issues or have a grievance, let me know now before we get into the fray of it all because me and Tony will be very busy.

It's a good opportunity to start thinking of what your army will have in it, how it will maneuver on the battle field, how to respond to an enemy setting scenario, etc. Think of what units you want and if the rules create any conflict or question with what you want to have.

To be clear, if you use your character on the account you're playing, they are permitted all of their current gear and abilities in battle. If you want to use one of your characters as an alt character, they are limited to 3 field abilities. Since they will be treated as an NPC hero, you may play them no higher than a level 9. Since they are an NPC hero, that also means you could technically scale them up should you so choose.

And please post said questions in the rule thread so we can keep it formal and others get the clarification as well.