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  1. #11
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
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    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Maybe if you didn't hide feedback behind a paywall people would be more inclined to seek it out. We had someone who was doing shit posts in the Workshop threads for AP so he could buy a boat. He even freely admitted to it, when it was painfully clear he wasn't following along with the threads in question and asked questions that could have been answered if he had read them. The quality of feedback is greatly diminished by such acts it makes the entire workshop principal a joke and not a particularly funny one at that.
    Yes, I remember this, and typically we have a situation where in hundreds of posts of actual solid feedback you've cherrypicked the one guy who was abusing it. You're right about it, by the way, it was a joke. But the other 200+ posts of meaningful commentary by other people weren't. If we are going down that road, I could pick every single one of Amari's thirty smut thread submissions out and say "what's the point of the workshops when this shit is happening" but then I'm being disrespectful to those who actually tried to write and use the workshop for what it was intended.

    This argument only feeds into my initial concern. Asking for more feedback encourages bad feedback, the kind of feedback that helps no one and forces the situation to degrade even further.
    Well, better off if we just pack it in then and all go no-judgment instead.

    Come on man, this is just a crock of shit. You get the odd person farming AP in the same way you get the authors farming EXP. Back on 3.1 when we had people who gave a shit, the majority of feedback was well done. Revenant, Flames of Hyperion (go and talk to him about feedback) Boris...the list goes on. But, oh wait? Where are they now? Not here. So the feedback has gone too. Shock horror. Now we're left with smut and turboposting with no feedback at all.

    You've embarrassed yourself here Pat. I expected better from a guy like you.
    Last edited by Shinsou Vaan Osiris; 01-17-2018 at 04:31 PM.

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