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  1. #8

    EXP: 1,345, Level: 1
    Level completed: 68%, EXP required for next Level: 655
    Level completed: 68%,
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    realize.real.lies.'s Avatar


    Karina Jo Tayler
    Wow, he really didn’t have a sense of humor. I shrugged at the lack of emotion he showed. I chalked it up to the less feelings the better. I didn’t like the fact that I was asking a complete stranger for help but the last time I had fed which was three months ago I almost gave into the blood lost.

    I never fed on humans, just animals but it’s like drinking a sip of water when you feel like you are dying from dehydration. “I need you to watch me while I feed, I get kind of crazy sometimes. It’s been almost three months since I last fed on an animal- Listen I am scared shitless that I will give into it.” I sighed, I hated feeling vulnerable.

    He shifted slightly. “Are you needing a source as well?” There was a slightly curious tone to his voice. His head had tilted to one side, and even through his glasses I could feel his gaze intently boring into me.

    Was he offering his blood to me? He may not understand that it’s an intimate and dangerous ordeal. I nibbled on my lower lip. “Are you offering me your blood, Hunter?” I tilted my head causing my chocolate locks to spill over to one side.

    “If you need it. Or to help you hunt something down for the blood it possesses. Giving you some of mine would be simpler, and prevent you from edging towards the hunger.” He shrugged one shoulder. The dark skinned man seemed completely ambivalent to it.

    “Sharing blood is kind of personal, well maybe not for you because you are a man made of Stone, no feelings but it would to me.” I sighed pushing a flustered hand through my hair straightening myself up. “Plus I haven’t drank from a human in over five years.” I looked down towards my boots.

    The Huntsman shrugged again. “Merely an offer, you need not accept that variation if you do not desire to do so. And I do have feelings, they are just rather unimportant for now, so I dismiss them. Now - if you do not desire my blood, we should then, leave the city so that we might obtain an alternative source of nutrition for you.”

    “We may want to leave the city either way, I will accept your offer for your blood, but I wish to do it away from others, Incase…” My voice gave way and I glanced up towards the big brute.

    “Very well then, let us depart.” I was a bit astonished to see him offer his arm to me. He raised one white eyebrow, and nodded his head to it. “We shall draw less attention if people think we are together, ergo, less wandering eyes following us as we depart the city.” His tone was simple, matter-of-fact.

    I took his arm, the feeling a bit unusual as I didn’t touch many people and they didn’t come near me. “Let’s go then, Hunter.” He nodded and took off - actually shortening his strides so I didn't have to hurry to keep up. It was - just what on earth was going on in this dark skinned prick’s head? He was cold, he was formal, but he seemed to do things like this without even registering it.

    The trip out of the center of the city was - surprisingly quick. Maybe because people gave the overly tall drow and the short woman beside him - me - a wide berth. It was strange. Maybe I should walk with someone overly tall all the time, I thought sarcastically to myself.
    We made our way to the outskirts, the music of the city falling behind us. Had I not been on the run and with someone that his choices gave me mental whip lash it might have been a romantic stroll.

    I took a deep breath, my heart was pounding loud in my ears, I always got like this right before I feed. How unorthodox a dhampir that hates to feed on living things. I could feel my fangs starting to elongate. One thing that was good about having ancients blood is I could retract them.

    “We should take to the Forest now, and Inn is still too public.” My voice was soft as I rolled my tongue over the fangs. He tilts his head slightly.

    “Very well then.” There was an almost gentle pat on my hand - it was just a bit too stiff - and we turned, taking a different street than the one we had been walking down. Ahead of us lay the city gates, and he had no hint of hesitation in his stride as we slipped into the small stream of people heading out.

    My grip on his arm tightened slightly, I could smell all the fresh blood around me, coursing through the sea of people. My breathing became shallow, I was already to feed and being around all these people was pure torture. I looked up towards the Hunter my eyes wide as I gulped down a lump that started to rise in my throat.

    Silver eyes focused on me, and his hand tightened over top of mine, squeezing almost painfully. “If it grows to be too much, focus on me. We should be clear in a few more moments” His voice was a steady, soft murmur as he now half-walked, half-dragged me through the crowd.

    I covered my mouth and nose with my free hand and focused on the almost crushing force being applied to my other hand. Almost there almost there, I chanted to myself.

    Finally the crowd started to thin out and he darted off towards the tree line easily dragging me with him. When we hit the tree line I gasped, the smell of woods filling my nose. My long fangs glistened in the sunlight that peekabooed through the treetops.

    My chest moved up and down rapidly as he finally came to a stop in the middle of an opening. “Thanks,” I panted softly.
    Last edited by realize.real.lies.; 01-18-2018 at 11:02 PM.

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