I dropped down from the tree branch and slowly shook my head in response to her disdain. Perhaps yes, it would have been less messy - but she had said nothing of her plans to me, so I had operated under the assumption that she found them, and I would end them.

Long strides carried me to her, and I picked up the spikes that she had tossed on the ground. I flicked them clean of blood. Involuntarily, her eyes followed the scarlet drops. Hmm, she still thirsted for blood, but had it contained for the time being. Was sentient that much better at quelling her hunger? Or did it excite her more? Strange. I also had to make a note that vampire venom apparently - at least I presumed it did from the reaction - contained a mild aphrodisiac of some kind. Either that, or having her suckle on my wrist had been an heretofore unknown kink of mine.

I calmly locked that train of thought down. I had had my fun in teasing her, but that was as far as it would go. I did not need her thinking I had developed some kind of actual attraction to her. Instead I finally responded to her vocally. “If that is the case and it bothers you, I can clean them.” I made the offer coolly. I didn't care who cleaned the chickens - they would eat the same either way.

She shook her head, her green-gold gaze narrowed. “I’m fine,” she barked harshly as she started plucking the feathers from the first chicken. I shrugged, and took one of the others and began cleaning it - I was much cruder about it than she though. The girl - Kara, she had told me her name - was steadily, easily plucking the feathers out. I? I took a dagger from my belt and swiftly skinned the one I was holding, relishing the feeling of the blood coursing over my hands. The process went smoothly from there - though the dhampir did glare at me for taking the chicken that I did. I ignored her as I gathered up wood and started a small fire, then stabbed the chicken through. I propped it over the fire and left, searching out herbs that would make good seasonings for the chicken. I returned and began crushing and rubbing the herbs I had found onto the chicken chunks.

She still glared at me- what was the point of her narrowed eyes were they suppose to wound me? “I need to find some wet moss to clean myself up,” she stood up abruptly with a huff. I shrugged and watched her go off, and turned my attention back to tending to the chicken. Here I thought I had been managing to put some life into my actions. Ah well - hunting wasn't for everyone. Maybe she was upset I cleaned one of the chickens? She turned a little while after and her face was somewhat cleaner, I could see hints of dirt from the moss she had used to clean herself. “What,” she glared some more- what was honestly the purpose of her narrowed eyes it had no effect on me.

“Is the light hurting your eyes, or something?” I tilted my head to one side. I couldn't think of any other way reason why she would be glaring at me so much. I tore one of the chicken legs free and tossed it over to her. “Careful, it is hot.”

She rolled her eyes, ignoring my first question and snatched the chicken leg from the air. “I can manipulate fire, I think I’ll be fine with a freshly cooked chicken.” I watched as she bit into the steaming meat. She winced, blowing out what I can only assume was residual heat from the chicken. Yes, she was so completely fine. She also didn't answer my question about her eyes. Very well, if she wanted to be standoffish, at least I could say I had tried. I might not be looking for friends but she wanted me to be her ally. I shrugged and tore thin strips from the chicken, waving them slightly to cool them before popping them into my mouth.

I ate in silence, keeping one eye on the dhampir girl as the other chickens cooked. I wasn't sure why the killing of the chickens seemed to have upset her so - I hid my grin. “I am sorry, were you looking forward to choking the chicken that much?”