Jake: I know we've always had this unspoken rivalry...
Nosdyn: It's not a rivalry, you're just always mean to me. And it's not unspoken, you talk about it all the time!
[Source: Superstore.]

Josh: You need them to think you're stronger than you actually are.
Shinsou: Is that what you do?
Josh: Me? Oh no, my power is no illusion. I can totally demolish you.
[Source: ???]

"What beautiful weather outside… I’m gonna close the curtains." - All the emo characters.
[Source: Tumblr.]

Nevin: Fennick! How did you get in here?
Fenn: Oh, uh, through the hole in the middle of your living room floor!
Nevin: But we don't have a hole in our floor.
Fenn: [Holds up a shovel] You do now.
[Source: The Addams Family.]

Nevin: Is everything okay?
Stare: If by "okay", you mean that my life is a meaningless, black cauldron of swirling failure, then yes, everything is groovy.
Nevin: That's not at all what I meant by "okay".
[Source: Phineas and Ferb.]

"You have to pick your battles. One of the battles I picked was to stop Eteri from running plastic tubes all over the shop and placing hamsters in them. She was gonna call it Tube City." - Nevin.
[Source: The Office.]