After some time, and considerable effort on my part, there was a small fire going. The palm fronds that were dry caught fire immediately, but the ones I had lopped off the branches were slow to burn. There was a mixture of black, tar-like smoke that was coming from the fresh flora and a sickly-sweet scent that was in there as well. I could only guess that the sweet smell was from the jagged bushes with the small spikes on them, those had little pastel blue fruit on it.

“So you haven’t said nothin’ in a while…” I cautiously moved the embers and tried to build a base to put more kindling on. As I was working on the fire I noticed that the shadows were getting longer to indicate that it was approaching night. From what I could tell, I would have to be tending a fire and a wounded demon for the night. “Do you mind telling me where you’re from?”