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  1. #21

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    It was a perverse homecoming. He was there to kill N'Jal. He walked alongside Kalestiya and Tharak son of Nosdyn. He looked at her a moment. "He is my son. I'll explain all in due time." He promised.

    Tharak paused a moment. "Father, she has gotten worse. N'Jal I mean. I'm growing unsure we can contain her."

    Nosdyn nodded. "It will be a fierce battle my son. But I am here to end her." They continued their journey to the main chamber of the tunnels. It was well decorated with various furniture and the like. N'Jal had been busy. Nosdyn readied himself. It is almost killing time. He thought to himself. He spotted her talking to various undead. Some familiar some not. He looked at Kalestiya. "Try to stay back if you can."

    "Nosdyn!" N'Jal suddenly yelled. She got up from what she was doing. "Do you think you can just return to the fold?" She asked as she loomed over him. N'Jal was a dark presence with long black hair and purple glowing eyes. She was what the humans would call voluptuos. N'Jal looked at him. She then spotted Kalestiya. "Who is this?" She asked then looked at Kalestiya with sheer teror in her eyes. "I see.." She said suddenly she looked at the nearest of the Undead. "Protect your master." She commanded.

    Suddennly it began. Once again as so many moons prior, the Undead all walked towards Nosdyn and sided with him.

    N'Jal became furious. "You will betray me--"

    "N'Jal STOP." Nosdyn steeled himself. He was prepared for the worst even his own death. "Do you not see they have their own free will?" He paused a moment. "They can be freed from your grasp!" Nosdyn raised his fist at that point an angry gesture. He then unsheathed his prevalida sword. In his packs though something reacted--The thayne relic!--Nosdyn thought to himself. He would pull it out as needed. He approached N'Jal. "I am here to kill you and free my people."

  2. #22

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya observed the unfolding scene, a mixture of dread and determination etched on her face. She stayed back, as Nosdyn had advised, but her eyes were fixed on the confrontation. The air was thick with tension, and the chamber echoed with N'Jal's furious commands.

    As N'Jal's gaze locked onto her, an abrupt chill ran down Kalestiya's spine. A gasp escaped her lips, momentarily freezing her in place. A haunting yet familiar voice invaded her mind.

    Suvryael fe der Lerm...

    "N-No, not this again-" she murmured, a pained expression clouding her face.

    Shaking her head, Kalestiya resisted the invasive yet familiar sensation that tried to envelop her. She maintained her focus on Nosdyn and noticed the undead, once under N'Jal's control, now turning to follow Nosdyn. The sight was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. It seemed that the power of free will could break the chains of N'Jal's influence.

    Overwhelmed with mixed emotions, Kalestiya knew that the stakes weighed heavily on everyone present. She took a deep breath, her exhale escaping through gently puckered lips. She trusted Nosdyn's strength but couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the air. The outcome of this confrontation would shape the fate of Ettermire and its people.

    She stayed back, a silent pillar of support, ready to step in if needed.

    "I am right behind you, Nosdyn. No matter what," she whispered under her breath, her fingers tightly gripping the fabric of her dress. Determination painted her expression, but uncertainty lingered within.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-04-2024 at 08:08 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  3. #23

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    Nosdyn had seen N'Jal fight before. He readied his weapon, but something happened. N'Jal caught Nosdyn with a massive smiting ability. Several of the Undead present fell down dead.

    N'Jal extended her arm. Focusing. Power rippled from her hand as the Undead around her began to die. Power singed through the air rapidly. The air rippled with burning hot energy. It was meant to destroy Nosdyn and his allies.

    They appeared terrified by N'Jal's power and were unsure of what to do. Once his people began to die at N'Ja's power, Nosdyn reacted. He was bleeding massively from the wake of N'Jal's power but he was well trained. HE could/would survive. Nosdyn was already bleeding at the hands of N'Jal's power which was massive.

    The power attacked everyone around N'Jal.

    Nosdyn stared at Kalestiya. "KALESTIYA!" He yelled angrilly.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-05-2024 at 07:27 AM.

  4. #24

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    As N'Jal's malevolent power surged through the cavern, a wave of unseen force struck Kalestiya with brutal intensity. It was as if the very air had solidified into an invisible fist, slamming into her with merciless precision. The impact sent her hurtling backward, the force of the blow lifting her off her feet.

    The back of her body collided with the cave wall, a sickening thud resonating through the chamber. The impact crushed the air from her lungs, leaving her momentarily breathless. Sharp rocks protruding from the uneven surface dug into her back, tearing through the fabric of her dress. The collision left behind an immediate and searing pain, the kind that courses through the entire nervous system, a symphony of agony.

    Blood welled from the grazes and gashes inflicted by the unyielding wall. The sensation was a dance of pain, blending with the disorienting aftermath of the supernatural force. Kalestiya's vision blurred with dark spots, her ears ringing like bells.

    Struggling to rise from the ground, she whimpered softly with each painful movement.

    "N-Nosdyn... I'm sorry-"

    Nosdyn's visage began to fade from vision. She reached out her hand to him, but he was out of reach. In a matter of moments, the effort of holding out her arm sapped the last of her energy, and she collapsed to the ground.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-05-2024 at 07:54 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  5. #25

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    He reacted to N'Jal's power.

    Nosdyn felt the weight of her power and dropped his mighty sword. He suddenly did something unexpted. He reached into his packs and pulled out the glowing Thayne Relic he was the custodian of. It reacted to--Nosdyn's blood! Blood is the key of course! Stupid why didn't you think of this earlier! Nosdyn's black blood dripped all over the Thayne relic and the Eldricht marks lit up with glowing energy. Nosdyn FELT the reaction immediately. He never felt such power before! His Demon's blood reacted to the influence of the Thayne Relic in his possession. He grasped the relic tightly in both hands.

    He felt power flowing through his veins. His blood reacted overwhelmingly to the relic. The brilliant light fueled by Kalestiya's own power swelled through him. He looked at N'Jal gasping with pitty for her. In a moment of sheer destructive force. N'Jal became as glass...Nosdyn's reflection shattered as the glass shattered. The pieces of glass were yelling with N'Jal's screaming pain. The glass was vibrating with power. Nosdyn knelt down to the destroyed N'Jal fragments.

    He was gasping. He loooked at his son. Tharak son of Nosdyn. He yet lived as did many others. Nosdyn took a piece of the glass of N'Jal into his possession. He knew he would need it just in case. He knelt on the ground for a moment, seriously injured. His black blood flowing down his face and arms. He looked up to his son. Placing the Thayne relic back in his packs. He grabbed his swords and sheathed it. The power of the Thayne Relic was amazing. He would study it further. He got up and went to make sure Kalestiya was safe, always make sure she is safe. The N'Jal shard was reacting....He turned to look to see if Kalestiya was safe.

  6. #26

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Suvryael fe der Lerm...

    Floating in the realm of her subconscious, Kalestiya felt weightless, suspended in a sea of muted colors and ethereal lights. A gentle breeze, warm and comforting, caressed her form, and the vibrant hues around her seemed to pulse in rhythm with the unseen energy that permeated the space.

    The ethereal voice, soft yet commanding, echoed through the expanse. "Bearer, your destiny unfolds as you seek the elusive reflections of your true essence. Seek the echoes of concealed truths, for within the intricacies of your path lies the cryptic key. Unravel the threads of your essence, and in the shadows, discover the enigma that will define your destiny."

    As the voice spoke, kaleidoscopic visions unfolded before her. Glowing symbols danced in intricate patterns, each one carrying a story of its own. An unseen force guided her through this dreamscape, revealing snippets of a destiny that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

    But just as the revelations began to take shape, a faint, distant voice called her back. It was a whisper, a thread woven into the tapestry of her subconscious, pulling her away from the mysteries that awaited.

    "Kales... ti... a"

    The faded voice echoed, its urgency cutting through the serenity of her subconscious world. The vibrant colors dulled, and the symbols retreated into the background. The warm breeze became a gentle tug, coaxing her away from the ethereal revelations.


    Reality beckoned, and Kalestiya found herself drawn back, leaving behind the mysteries of her subconscious for the pressing concerns of the waking world.


    Whimpering softly, the wounded girl slowly opened her eyes, finding herself cradled in Nosdyn's arms. She tried to speak, but the weakness that engulfed her left her voiceless. Glancing downward, she observed her dress saturated in a crimson substance.

    Her head rolled against Nosdyn's shoulder as her eyes fluttered, hanging on by a thread of consciousness.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-10-2024 at 10:59 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  7. #27

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    By that point, Nosdyn held Kalestiya. Only the Undead Lilly had previous knowledge of Kalestiya. They were all crying by that point as Nosdyn's friend was on the verge of death. Nosdyn did the only thing he thought to do. He clutched the screaming shard of N'Jal in his hand, and placed it against her deeply serious injury. He loved Kalestiya too much. He would shake the heavens to insure his friend would not perish!

    He pressed the shard against her injury. "I love you too much please don't go." Nosdyn openly cried by that point.

    The shard of N'Jal screamed with rage but worked it's magic. It immediately was absorbed into Kalestiya's flesh.

    Nosdyn could only hope and pray for his friend. His hand was pressed against her injury applying pressure to stop any bleeding. It was all up tp her at that point. His tears flowed freely but that point. His son, Tharak son of Nosdyn, placed a hand on his shoulder.

    "Father do not be afraid I think you acted in time!" He said thankfully.

    By that point Lilly joined them as well. She also placed a hand on Nosdyn's shoulder. All Nosdyn could do at this point was wait.

    Did I act in time? Did I save her? Can I save anyone? I'm pathetic...I couldn't even save Father... He was crying freely by that point...

  8. #28

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya's eyes remained half-closed, the flicker of life barely visible beneath her pale lids. Yet, as the N'Jal shard was pressed against her injury, a subtle shift occurred. The sharp, ragged breaths that had been escaping her began to ease into a gentler rhythm. The tension in the air seemed to soften, carrying with it a glimmer of hope.

    Nosdyn's hands, now marked by a blend of his own black blood and Kalestiya's crimson, clung firmly to her fragile form. The shard echoed with the fading cries of N'Jal's power, reluctant to merge with Kalestiya's flesh. Nonetheless, the magic persisted, threading its way through her wounds. At times, a flicker of pain would momentarily contort Kalestiya's face, as if an unseen skirmish raged within her.

    As time trickled by, her breathing became steadier, less strained. The Undead Lilly, Tharak, and Nosdyn shared a collective sigh of relief. The cavern, once filled with echoes of battle, now resonated with the quiet intensity of the moment. Nosdyn could only wait, hoping that his desperate act would be the key to saving Kalestiya.


    Kalestiya blinked and gradually became aware of her surroundings, finding herself cradled in her friend's arms. "What happened?" she inquired, her voice filled with confusion. Her eyes fluttered, adjusting to the environment, as her vitality began to return to her.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  9. #29

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    He cried freely by that point.

    At last, the long nightmare of N'Jal was over.

    At last, he avenged his lost Father.

    He looked at Kalestiya. "I thought I lost you my friend." Nosdyn whispered to her. "The long nightmare is at last over." He looked at the gathered. "I did it, even I can save someone." A major weight had been removed from his shoulders. He held his friend for a while longer.

    She smelled great to him, the scent was amazing, he held her.

    He ran his hand through her hair. "Can you stand now?" He asked his friend he hoped one day they would become more than friends. He was amdittedly extremely turned on to hold her so close, within his grasp.

    He kept gently running his hand through her long hair.

    "I thought I lost you you bitch." He said jokingly. "Don't scare me like that again."

    After a short while Nosdyn let her go and stood up for a moment. "The battle againt N'Jal was fierce." He looked at Tharak. "Son of Krotar, casualty report." He commanded of his son. The precepts of House Krotar were in full play at that point.

    "We suffered heavy casualties from N'Jal's wrath." Tharak said calmly.

    Nosdyn nodded calmly. He returned his gaze to his love. His eyes narrowed. "Can you stand?" He then looked at his undead people. "I have a proposition for you all." Nosdyn stated. They listened. "With N'Jal's death you all are free to make your own choices now. I propose we all return to Ettermire as her children now." He said to them. "We will all have a second chance now." He turned to Kalestiya and offered her his hand...

    At last Demons and Humans could know peace together...

    He would correct the sins of his Fathers during the Demon's War. A lone child of Tular Plains, son of House Krotar, would unite their people at long last...
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-11-2024 at 06:33 PM.

  10. #30

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    The warmth of Nosdyn's embrace was soothing, and Kalestiya gradually became aware of the pain that had gripped her earlier, now replaced by a lingering sense of weakness. As Nosdyn held her, she could feel his relief and genuine concern. His whispered words reached her ears, expressing the victory over the long nightmare of N'Jal. A bittersweet smile played on her lips.

    "I thought I lost you, my friend," Nosdyn whispered, his hand gently running through her hair. The relief in his touch resonated with her, and she managed a weak smile. His words brought a gentle laugh to her lips, despite the pain. "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere without saying goodbye."

    As Nosdyn held her, she felt a mixture of emotions. The scent of his skin, the touch of his hand in her hair, and the warmth of his embrace created a feeling of security, a moment of solace in the aftermath of the challenge they faced. When he finally let her go, she attempted to stand, albeit unsteadily. The battle had taken its toll, but determination flickered in her eyes.

    Nosdyn, standing before her, addressed his undead people. The proposition he made spoke of unity, a second chance for all. She watched him with admiration in her gaze, as he extended his hand toward her. In that moment, the promise of a new era, where demons and humans could know peace together, hung in the air. Kalestiya took his offered hand; a silent agreement, and a step toward a safer future, free from N'jal's grasp.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-12-2024 at 12:29 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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