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  1. #1

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    Shards of Sin (solo)

    [OOC: this story takes place several months after the Hearts Gather thread.]

    - I - A Restless Night

    Sitting on the edge of her bed in the dimly lit chamber of the inn, Kalestiya's hands clasped tightly in her lap as she stared out a small window into the moonlit night. The room glowed softly, cradled by the moon’s light. Despite the warmth of the hearth crackling in the corner of the room, she shivered involuntarily, a chill creeping down her spine that had nothing to do with the cool night air. Ever since her encounter with the god-like creature known as N’jal, she had been plagued by haunting nightmares of an indecent nature, it left her feeling flustered and embarrassed. Tired and sighing, Kalestiya got up from bed and walked back and forth in the room, her footsteps making soft sounds on the wooden floor. She wanted to sleep to escape the troubles of the day, but the nightmares made it hard to look forward to.

    Seeking a distraction, Kalestiya shifted her gaze to the table beside the bed. Her herbalism and healing supplies were strewn across it in disarray. Though she had intended to tidy them up, exhaustion weighed heavily on her. With a resigned sigh, Kalestiya sank back onto the bed, her thoughts swirling with emotions. She longed to return to the carefree days of her youth, before she had been thrust into a world of darkness and danger, but she knew that such a life was no longer possible.

    As she gazed out the window into the night, Kalestiya made a silent vow to herself: no matter how difficult, she would face her challenges with courage and determination. With that resolve firm in her heart. The young healer finally allowed herself to drift into sleep, ready to face whatever terrors might haunt her dreams.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-29-2024 at 12:58 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  2. #2

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya found herself standing in a dimly lit room with unfamiliar furnishings. A handsome young man sat in a chair across from her, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her uneasy. She shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. As she moved to leave the room, she realized with a sinking feeling that the door was locked. Panic began to rise within her, but she forced herself to stay calm. "Why am I here?" she asked the young man, but he remained silent, his lips sealed shut as if he couldn't speak.

    Instead, she heard whispers echoing in her mind, a jumble of words that made no sense. Each time she tried to comprehend them, they slipped away like mist, leaving her feeling more confused than before. Desperation clawed at her chest as she pleaded with the young man for answers, but he only smiled cryptically, his eyes betraying no hint of understanding. With every passing moment, the room seemed to close in around her, suffocating her with its oppressive silence. Kalestiya's heart raced as she struggled to make sense of the situation, her fear mounting with each unanswered question.

    The man rose from his chair and walked towards Kalestiya, each step echoed through the room and increased her nervousness. As he inched closer, a strange feeling washed over Kalestiya, and her breathing became ragged with anticipation. Though she feared his intentions, there was something irresistible about him that drew her inexorably towards him. She stood rooted to the spot as he gently caressed her cheek with his hand, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Her breathing quickened, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

    "What is he going to do?" she thought.

    The man leaned in and brushed his lips against her ear, his breath hot and heavy on her skin. His hands roamed over her body, leaving a trail of heat wherever he touched. She was paralyzed, unable to resist his advances.

    "Please... don't..." she whispered, but he ignored her plea. He pressed his body against hers, pinning her against the wall. She was trapped between him and the hard surface, her heart pounding frantically. She squeezed her eyes shut as he began to kiss her neck, his lips moving slowly downward towards her collarbone.

    "Stop... stop it..." Kalestiya managed to utter weakly, her voice barely audible above the blood rushing in her ears. But the man continued his assault, his mouth exploring every inch of exposed flesh.

    "Don't... please..." Kalestiya pleaded, her body trembling beneath his touch.

    The man slowly moved his hand towards her inner thigh and began to caress it lightly, eliciting a moan from Kalestiya. She bit her lip, fighting back the urge to give in to him. "I... I can't..." she whimpered, her resolve weakening by the second.

    Suddenly, the young man froze and pulled away from her, his expression unreadable. A split second later, Kalestiya felt a searing pain in her stomach and her eyes snapped open, a gasp escaping her lips. Her hands flew to her abdomen, where a large wound was gaping open, bleeding profusely. She looked at the man in shock and disbelief as he stepped back, his eyes shining with malicious glee. She stumbled backward, clutching her stomach in agony as the man vanished into the shadows, leaving her alone in the room.

    The pain was agonizing, and Kalestiya struggled to remain conscious as blood poured from her wound. She collapsed to the floor, the life draining from her body with every passing moment. Her eyes widened as her blood changed from crimson and into a strange, slimy black substance, filling the room with a foul smell. The substance seemed to come alive and move on it's own, encircling Kalestiya and and enveloping her in a cocoon of darkness. She gasped for air, but it was no use; the fluid filled her lungs and drowned her from the inside out. As her vision faded to black, the last thing Kalestiya saw was a shadowy figure watching her from the corner of the room.

    Kalestiya woke up screaming in a cold sweat, clutching her abdomen, her heart hammering against her chest. She instinctively glanced around the room to make sure she was no longer in the nightmare, a relief washing over her.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-29-2024 at 12:33 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  3. #3

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    As Kalestiya's racing heart began to slow and her breathing steadied. A gentle knock on the door startled her. "Lady Kalestiya, are you alright?" a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the door, breaking the stillness of the night.

    With a shaky breath, she rose from her bed, her feet padding softly against the wooden floor as she approached the door. With trembling fingers, she turned the handle and pulled the door open. In the dim light of the hallway, she was met by the sight of a young swordsman standing before her. His black hair framed his face, and the simple clothes and leather armor he wore hinted at his profession. It was Seran, a skilled swordsman she had met on her travels. His intense gaze was filled with concern.

    "Seran-" Kalestiya murmured, relief flooding her at the sight of him. She attempted a weak smile, though her eyes still held traces of fear from her recent nightmare. "I- I am fine, I only had a nightmare."

    Seran's expression softened as he took in her appearance. "I heard you scream," he confessed softly. "I had to make sure you were alright."

    Kalestiya nodded, grateful for his presence. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. Despite her unease, she was glad for his company, and she couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her face for a moment longer than necessary.

    "Do you... want to talk about it?" he asked hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper. Kalestiya shook her head, not trusting her voice to remain steady as she recalled the details of her nightmare. "I'm not ready to," she replied, averting her gaze. "But thank you for asking."

    A short silence fell between them as Seran struggled to find the right words to say. "If... If you ever do want to talk about it, I'm here," he finally said. Kalestiya forced a smile as she met his gaze once more. "I know," she murmured, before closing the door gently behind her as he turned and walked down the hall. With a sigh, Kalestiya leaned against the door for support as the memory of her nightmare flashed in her mind once more. Her body trembled slightly as she fought back the tears that threatened to fall. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forcing herself to regain control of her emotions.

    "It was just a dream," she reassured herself, "nothing more."

    As Kalestiya pushed herself away from the door and moved towards the window, she gazed out at the moonlit sky. Its brilliant light illuminated the dark, empty streets below, casting a silver glow across the sleeping town. She inhaled deeply, allowing the crisp night air to fill her lungs as she tried to calm herself further.

    "It wasn't real," she said firmly, her eyes fixed on the bright orb hovering above her, "and it won't ever be real."

    With renewed determination, the young healer stepped away from the window, taking one last glance at night sky before turning away. She slipped under the covers of her bed, hoping to get some much-needed sleep. Although She struggled with her thoughts for a while, exhaustion eventually overtook her, and she slowly drifted off into a restful slumber, and this time she did not dream.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-30-2024 at 09:27 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  4. #4

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    - II - Growing Pains

    The following day, Kalestiya rose with the sun, her eyelids heavy with the weight of a restless night. As she got dressed, the tempting aroma of breakfast drifted up from downstairs. Stepping into the common area, she found Seran already seated at the table, his gaze curious yet understanding as she approached. Despite her weariness, she offered him a faint smile. "Good morning," she greeted softly, settling into the chair beside him. "How are you feeling?"

    Seran shrugged casually, as he finished his meal, placing the empty plate on the table. "Could be worse. But how about you?" he countered with concern in his voice. Kalestiya shifted uncomfortably, her fatigue betraying her composure. "I had a rough night," she confessed in a hushed tone. Seran reached out, his hand resting gently on her shoulder in a gesture of support. Kalestiya's expression softened as she met his gaze once more. "Thank you," she said quietly, "for checking up on me last night."

    Seran waved her words aside with a dismissive gesture, a slight flush creeping across his face. "Don't mention it."
    With a weary sigh, Kalestiya slumped in her seat, her appetite warring with her exhaustion. Seran chuckled sympathetically before rising from his chair. "Let me fix you something," he offered kindly, "a good breakfast will do wonders for you."

    Kalestiya nodded gratefully as Seran disappeared into the kitchen, returning moments later with a steaming plate of food for her. He set the plate down in front of her, and she eagerly dug in, savoring every bite.

    After a few moments of silence, Seran cleared his throat, breaking the quiet atmosphere. "Lady Kalestiya," he began tentatively, "about those nightmares..."

    Kalestiya froze mid-bite, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "It's nothing, really," she interrupted quickly, hoping to steer the conversation away from the unsettling topic. Seran leaned forward, his expression serious. "I don't think it's nothing," he persisted gently. "You've been having them quite frequently, and I'm worried they might be affecting you more than you realize."

    Shaking her head, Kalestiya kept her eyes fixed on her plate. "It is just stress," she insisted. "They will pass eventually." Seran regarded her with a furrowed brow, his expression marked with concern. "And how long do you think that will take? If it's not affecting you now, it will eventually, and I can't watch you suffer in silence."

    Kalestiya sighed, finally meeting his gaze. "It's not something I'm willing to discuss yet," she said softly, "and I would appreciate it if you respected that decision." Seran hesitated, searching her face intently. After a moment, he nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair. "Very well," he conceded, "but if things get worse, please let me know so I can help."

    Before Kalestiya could reply, a young woman walked towards the table with a cannister of tea in hand. The girl was a servant from the inn; she smiled as she set down the cannister before retreating into the kitchen once more. Kalestiya poured herself a cup of tea and took a sip. The soothing warmth flooded her system, helping to ease some of her fatigue. "So," Seran said suddenly, changing the subject, "what are your plans for today?"

    Kalestiya smiled gratefully as she continued sipping her tea. "Well, since we arrived in town yesterday evening, I haven't really had the chance to explore. I'd like to take some time to sightsee and maybe do a little shopping before we move on." Seran grinned as he leaned back in his chair. "Sounds like fun."

    "Perhaps you could accompany me," Kalestiya suggested casually, taking another sip of tea. Seran raised an eyebrow at the suggestion, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Really?" he teased playfully, "are you asking me on a date?" Kalestiya choked on her drink, nearly spilling the hot liquid all over herself. "N-no!" she sputtered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's not a's just two friends enjoying a day in the town."

    Seran laughed heartily as Kalestiya flushed a deep crimson. "I'm just kidding," he chuckled, "but it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, you know." Kalestiya's eyes widened in shock as Seran smirked mischievously. "What?" he asked innocently, feigning confusion. Kalestiya shook her head, deciding not to respond. Instead, she focused on finishing her tea. As she set the cup down on the table, she glanced over at Seran who was watching her intently. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes shone with a glint of amusement. Kalestiya felt her cheeks begin to burn again, and she quickly looked away, rising from her chair. "I think I'll go get ready," she declared abruptly, "I want to get an early start." Seran nodded in agreement before following suit, his expression neutral once more. "Meet you outside in a bit?"

    "Sounds good," Kalestiya replied, heading up the stairs to prepare for her outing.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-31-2024 at 04:58 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  5. #5

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Upon entering her room, Kalestiya gathered her herbalism and healing supplies from the table next to her bed. As she reached for her pouch, a searing pain suddenly shot through her stomach, causing her to drop her items on the floor. Gasping in pain, she clutched her midsection, staggering towards the bed. Kalestiya whimpered softly as she doubled over, trying to catch her breath. The pain was sharp and intense, making it difficult to focus on anything else. Slowly, the pain subsided, and she sat on the bed for a few minutes to compose herself. After a short while, the pain completely vanished and she was able to relax. She sat up slowly and retrieved her items from the floor, placing them in her pouch. She took a deep breath, and walked over to the mirror to check her reflection. Relieved to find that she didn't look as sick as she felt, Kalestiya decided it would be best to keep the episode hidden for now.

    Waiting outside the inn, Seran was casting admiring glances at every maiden who passed by. Kalestiya chuckled to herself and approached him. "Shall we get going?" she asked, motioning down the street. Seran nodded, falling into step beside her. "So, what's the plan?" Seran inquired as they strolled along the main road. "There's a market near the town center, and some interesting shops ahead," Kalestiya suggested, contemplating their options.

    Roaming through the lively market, the air was filled with a symphony of sounds and scents. Seran couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Kalestiya's eyes light up at the sight of vibrant blooms, ancient tomes, and bundles of fragrant herbs. "Seems like you've got a soft spot for flowers," he remarked with a teasing grin, nodding towards a colorful display of blossoms. The young healer blushed slightly, a sheepish smile gracing her lips.

    "I can't help it. There's something enchanting about them," she confessed, reaching out to touch the petals of a particularly vibrant bloom. Seran raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "And books too, I see," he observed, gesturing towards a nearby stall piled high with dusty volumes. Kalestiya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she perused the titles, her fingers trailing over the spines. "Books have always been a passion of mine," she admitted, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "There's so much knowledge to be found within their pages."

    As they continued their leisurely stroll, they passed a stall overflowing with aromatic herbs and spices. Seran couldn't help but notice Kalestiya's keen interest in the fragrant bundles, her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Seems like you're right at home here," he remarked with a chuckle, observing her enthusiasm. "I guess herbs really are your specialty, huh?"

    Kalestiya grinned, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "They are the bread and butter of my craft," she replied. "They have the power to heal, to comfort, and to transform..."

    Seran observed as the young healer eagerly purchased several bundles of herbs. As she paid for her purchases, he noticed a strained expression on her face. He watched as she slipped a handful of herbs into her pouch before turning to him with a smile. "Ready to keep exploring?" she asked brightly, attempting to conceal her discomfort. Seran decided not to bring it up, as she seemed happy and eager to continue their outing. "Alright, what's next?" he inquired, returning her smile. Kalestiya pondered for a moment, gazing around at their surroundings. "There's a tailor a few streets over. Maybe we could stop there and see what they have to offer?"
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-31-2024 at 04:51 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  6. #6

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    Seran nodded, and together they made their way to the tailor's shop. Upon entering, they were greeted by the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the large windows, casting a golden hue over vibrant bolts of fabric and intricate designs on display. "Welcome, welcome!" the tailor exclaimed, his face bright with a broad smile. "What can I do for you today?"

    Admiring the craftsmanship of the garments, Kalestiya ran her fingers over the fine fabrics. "Just browsing," she replied with a smile. "But your work is truly impressive."

    Seran, meanwhile, found his attention captured by an especially elaborate coat. Holding it up with a grin, he asked, "Think this would suit me?"

    A light, musical laugh escaped Kalestiya, brightening the room. "Maybe a bit much for everyday wear," she teased. As they continued exploring the shop, a sudden, sharp pain stabbed through Kalestiya’s stomach. Though she tried to mask it, the intensity proved too much. Gasping, she clutched her midsection and crouched down. "Kalestiya?" Seran was at her side in an instant, steadying her shoulders with his hands. The playful glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by deep concern. "What’s wrong?"

    Kalestiya could only manage a weak whisper. “It’s... it’s nothing serious, just a little... cramp...”

    Seran's frown deepened, worry etched in his features as he watched her struggle. "A cramp shouldn’t cause this much pain," he murmured, voice tinged with concern. "You’ve been off all day, haven’t you?"

    Fighting to steady her breathing, Kalestiya forced a weak smile. "I’m fine, Seran, really. It’s just... I didn’t sleep well last night, that’s all."

    Before Seran could respond, the tailor, who had been observing from a distance, hurried over with a look of concern. "Is everything alright, my dear?" he asked, worry clouding his eyes. "You’re looking a bit pale. Perhaps some water?"

    Seran, still focused on Kalestiya, nodded. "That would be appreciated," he replied, helping her to a nearby chair. "She just needs a moment."

    With a quick nod, the tailor disappeared into the back room to fetch the water. "You need to rest," Seran insisted, kneeling beside her. "This isn’t something you can just push through."

    Kalestiya shook her head, her pride warring with the reality of her situation. “We were having such a nice day,” she whispered, frustrated with herself for ruining the moment. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

    Seran’s expression softened. "You can’t hide things like this from me," he said gently. "I’m here for you, whether it’s a good day or a bad one."

    The tailor soon returned with a glass of water, offering it with a kind smile. "Here you go. Take your time, and let me know if there’s anything else I can do."

    With gratitude filling her eyes, Kalestiya took the water and sipped slowly as the pain began to fade. "Thank you," she murmured, finally conceding. "Maybe you’re right, Seran... Perhaps I should take it easy for a bit."

    Seran's expression softened. He smiled at her as he stood. "Let’s get you back to the inn," he suggested, reaching out to help her up. "We can always come back another time."

    Although hesitant, Kalestiya nodded in agreement, allowing him to help her up. She glanced at the tailor, offering a strained smile. “Thank you kindly for the water.”

    "Take care of yourself, my dear," the tailor replied with a gentle nod. "Come back when you’re feeling better."

    With Seran’s support, Kalestiya slowly made her way out of the shop, leaning on him as they headed back to the inn.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-08-2024 at 04:16 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  7. #7

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Upon returning to the inn, Seran guided Kalestiya to her room and helped her lie down. Her face had regained some color, but she still appeared uneasy. “Can I get you anything?” he asked, scanning the room. “Something to eat or drink?”

    Kalestiya shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips as she sank into the pillow. Seran’s gaze lingered on her, his brow furrowed with concern. “You’d tell me if something was seriously wrong, wouldn’t you?”

    A tired smile touched Kalestiya’s lips as she brushed a lock of hair from her face. “Of course,” she replied. “But this is nothing to worry about. Just a little fatigue, that’s all.”

    Though doubts lingered in his mind, Seran nodded. “Alright, I’ll leave you be. But promise you’ll call for me if you need anything.”
    With a weary sigh, Kalestiya closed her eyes. “I promise.”

    Seran hesitated, torn between his concern and the need to let her rest. Finally, he stepped out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. Leaning against the door, he pondered what he could do, before making his way down the stairs. The concerned swordsman left the inn and hurried toward the apothecary shop. Upon arrival, he scanned the shelves filled with various bottles and jars, each containing different ingredients. He quickly searched for anything that might help Kalestiya, but the unfamiliar labels left him at a loss.

    “Can I help you?” the clerk asked, emerging from the back room. Seran turned to her. “Do you have any healing potions?”

    The clerk’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Are you sick? Do you have any symptoms?”

    “No, it’s not for me,” Seran replied. “It’s for someone else.”

    The clerk’s brow furrowed, confusion evident in her eyes. “I see,” she said slowly. “And what is the nature of their illness?”

    Seran hesitated, struggling to find the right words. “She um- She’s in a lot of pain, and she’s been having trouble sleeping and eating lately. She’s also having frequent night terrors.”

    The clerk listened carefully. “That’s quite a list of symptoms,” she remarked, turning to browse the shelves. “How long has she been feeling this way?”

    Seran sighed. “For a while. She hasn’t told me the exact time frame, but I believe it’s only getting worse.”

    The clerk hummed thoughtfully as she moved to another shelf. “Any changes in her behavior?”

    Seran rubbed his forehead. “Well, she seems a bit distant at times. And she’s been irritable lately. It’s like she’s hiding something, but I don’t know what it is.”

    The clerk frowned as she continued scanning the shelves. “I see. Is there anything else you can tell me about her condition?”

    Seran shook his head. “I wish I knew more. But she refuses to talk about it.”

    The clerk nodded. “Perhaps this may help,” she said, pulling down a small vial filled with a reddish-pink liquid. “This is a special blend of herbs designed to soothe the mind and body. It should help with the pain, and perhaps even the nightmares.”

    “That sounds perfect,” Seran replied, taking the vial from her. “How much?”

    The clerk smiled. “Ten gold pieces.”

    Seran reached into his coin purse and handed over the payment. “Thank you,” he said, grateful for her assistance. “I hope it helps.”

    The clerk quickly gripped Seran’s hand firmly as he took the vial. “If this potion does not remedy her condition, I would like to see her,” she said, her voice carrying an unsettling edge, “I will gladly give her a full examination.”

    “I- I'll make sure she knows," Seran stammered, feeling the grip on his hand slowly loosen.

    As Seran left the shop, the clerk’s eyes followed him, a look of unsettling interest etched on her face. “Interesting,” she murmured to herself, her voice barely a whisper. “Very interesting indeed…”

    Back at the inn, Kalestiya lay curled up in her bed. She began to shiver. Despite the thick blankets piled on top of her, she couldn’t seem to get warm. Her body trembled as she buried her face in the pillow, desperate to block out the intermittent jolts of pain. Each breath became more a struggle. She whimpered softly as another painful sting stabbed through her abdomen.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-23-2024 at 06:25 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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