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  1. #4
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,234

    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

    View Profile
    So this was where Mao had wanted to take him! Over Corone’s loping hills, through the thick forests, and onto its rocky shoreline. To this polished ship, and this fierce, bulky lady. This rather gruff, seaworthy lady. Daugi greeted the woman with a perplexed “Wuff?” and a thump of her tail. Fenn simply flashed her a nervous grin.

    “You going to tell me, or…?” Her tone was bristling, impatient. Impatience was a quality he shared in spades.

    Giving his oblivious mutt a scratch between the ears, the tiny fae slide off her back. On unsteady legs, he poked at the saltwater-slick deck with a toe. Frost spiraled from his icy touch. He scrawled quickly in the feathery white dustingd -- also with his toes. I NOT HURT FOXFRIEND. WERE IN TAVERN, LADY OF PLANTS DID. UCKY SIZZLING SPIT. CAN FIX, RIGHT? Worry flashed across his face, drooping his ears and drawing his mouth into a tight frown. MAO-BUNNY BROUGHT HERE… FOR REASONS? PURPLE FAUN PHI WANTED, NOT SURE WHY.

    The captain’s arms crossed over one another as she read his explanation, bulging biceps on display. Fenn was a bit twitchy-nervous around this bastion of strength… but he was also kind of tempted to poke her biceps, to see if they were more steel than squish. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to quell this dangerous urge. He’d probably chased enough terrible trains of thought for today. Probably.

    “Seems an odd story to me. Eh, he telling the truth?” she asked, turning her head to poor, bedraggled Veridian, still stubbornly shuddering from his burns.

    The fox gave her a limp nod and sighed, as if to say that the story was all too true for him.

    Begrudgingly, the captain-lady tipped her head towards -- well, Fenn didn’t really know the name of it. The stick-y-out bit of ship with a door in it, leading inside. “If the Matriarch sent you, I won’t be the one to turn you away. You have a name?”

    Last edited by FennWenn; 10-13-2017 at 08:01 PM.

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