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  1. #1

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Quietly Philomel observed the man as he pulled out a pipe and lit it with a practised hand. Her naked, perfect form, honed after years of fighting and professional love-making lounged against the headboard. As she settled herself there she raised her hands up and calmly combed her fingers through her hair, scooping through the long, purple locks to bring it to the front and over her left shoulder. Then she began the task of weaving it all into a delicate-looking but truly strong plait, not letting any strand of hair excape her dextrous fingers.

    Eyes alive and bright she watched Storm, as he spoke softly and methodically. A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth as he asked if she smoked - then continued on without giving her a moment to answer. For her, it mattered little. His words, after all, were full of compliments and it made her feel confident that she still had 'it' after all these years.

    As he finished and her lithe fingers finshed her plait she tied her hair off with a firm and practised knot and let the silence extend. Only when she was satisfied with her work did she sit up straighter, but still with her legs curled before her in a seductive, her heart thumping as she thought of what she had just done. Who she had just slept with. Him. Storm Veritas, partner to Shinsou van Osiris.

    "I have smoked in the past," she answered, every movement precise and seductive still - she was merely doing it out of habit now. "I have been known to smoke a great deal. But moreover, we fauns drink actually. We have priests and people who brew holy alcohol to praise our goddess, Drys. Primarily a beverage called 'Headbutt,' so-named for its kick and strength."

    She let her hands fall to her lap.

    "I am pleased that we had this time to get to know one another, Mr Veritas. I have heard much about you and was always curious when Shinsou mentioned you," she smiled through the powerful memories of the Telgradian burning at her mind. "He holds you in high esteem. As to your proposal I -"

    Suddenly she was cut off as a voice she very much recognised resounded into her head.

    Philomel! Veridian said, his tone soft but strong, Philomel, if you are done, we very much need you here. Fenn you see, I - He broke off and then sent her a mental image of a thin boy-like wrist. On that wrist was the horrible and grotesque placement of severely burned and chafed skin, that could barely be called skin at all. In some parts it had been ruined away to leave red raw flesh at the surface that was in various stages of healing but looked so close to manacle marks that Philomel knew they just had to be. Veridian was sitting with Fenn on the inside of the ship whilst the boy-man was treated to a variety of foods and goodies as Maverik guarded nearby. He had been persuaded though to take a bath (along with his huge wolf, he had insisted) and now Veridian was able to see the marks fully as they poked from his sleeves, all clean.

    She sat up, staring into the middle distance, smile fading away fast. Instantly her seduction was gone, and instead her form was alert, like that of a fine elven bow, waiting for its arrow to be released. Tense, but still naked she turned to Storm, back straight and positively even more alluring.

    "The boy-man Fenn, the one from downstairs, is at my ship. He has been there some hours I think, whilst we ourselves were busy. Veridian, however - my fox friend - smelt something a lot like blood on his wrist but could not get a good view - until now. He just sent me an image of severely ruined skin and ... I suspect Amari is involved."

    Slipping onto the side of the bed, she stared at Storm hard.

    "Come with me, help me find out what has happened. Then we can continue what we began here."
    Last edited by Philomel; 11-22-2017 at 03:04 PM.

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