Poor broken woman. Clearly she'd never experienced jolly cooperation. I might not be as good at it as Solaire was, but that didn't mean I was oblivious as to how it worked. Now if only I had a soapstone sign, to give her a way of calling me if she needed me for something. Homeward bones, too, to return to Camille. Bah, I missed the tools of my world. A glance over my shoulder showed that she was clearly done talking - she was glaring at the sky. So I held my tongue. Her Soul lingered in me, inky darkness that coiled through my system, replenishing me.

I'd have to pound into this woman’s head what it meant that she had a right and proper Undead in her ranks. If she really was stuck in a cycle of rebirth, and sought to break it - well. Their contract might just last a long while. My only obligation in this world, aside from my contract with this red-haired woman, was to Camille. And while Camille and Nikita clearly did not like Scarlet, that was not returned. I’d have to find out what exactly happened - preferably from an outside source, to avoid either women influencing with their view of things.

Besides. If she was trapped in forever, as her senior (ignoring the fact that this world wasn't where I had been trapped) I would have to make sure that this poor woman didn't go mad. Eternity was…. Difficult. And I'd rather not see what the font of Abyss behind me could become if she went Hollow. I imagine, it might be rather like what would have happened if I had fallen when at my full strength. I frowned in thought. That was actually a concerning prospect. If this fount of darkness overflowed.. I looked back, examining her again - and froze.

What the Flame. No, what in the actual fucking Flame? How had I missed that before? No, I knew how I missed it, she was brimming with darkness, enough so of course the pearl of golden light glowing inside of her was almost impossible to see. He cleared his throat. “So. For someone of Humanity so deep, you carry quite the powerful little light hidden within.” His voice was steady as he guided the horse around a curve.

“I've tried ripping it out numerous times. Little Fucker doesn't want to move. That light was what I used to be.” She didn't sound like she cared about her fall. “My species was meant to bring life and spread mana to this world. Eons old… I was one of the first. An elder everyone looked up to.” She laughed. “They’d say I have fallen so far, but I’ve become far stronger than any of them.” I frowned. That was - surprisingly familiar. Worryingly so.

I knew of another race of golden light, powerful flame seized, but with darkness ever encroaching upon them. It seemed like there were some surprising similarities between their worlds - though here, what would have been considered Divine was merely a demi-God. Hm. I clenched my hand tight, the reins creaking in my grasp. This was difficult not to say something on - but she didn't need to know how similar it seemed we were.

“The Abyss does hold strength, yes.” That - that seemed safe enough to say. After all, the Souls of Humanity were what the Flame fed upon the nest. From darkness, light was born. You could not have one without the other in my experience.
She continued without prompt. “Our race is all but wiped out. Used as batteries, used to power alchemical magic. Imprisoned to use as an unlimited source of food or power. You've tasted it yourself. “

t I couldn't help it. I let out a laugh, a bitter, hateful laugh. “They always end up doing that. Seeking to capture the Flame to use it for power. Never understanding that even unlimited power will run out in the face of Eternity. And then when the Flame is gone, they fear the Darkness they created.”

I shook my head, dark brown hair swaying in the wind. “I cannot naysay them, sadly. After all, bitter chocolate. But, I don't need your Soul to continue, any Soul will do really.” I did not want this woman to think she had some kind of hold over me. While her Abyss-tainted Soul was delicious, I was not beholden to it, addicted or unable to live without it. We had a contract, an exchange in my world’s currency. I wonder, did that make me a mercenary? At least I was one no one else could ever buy.

“So. Since we’ve days on the road, is there anything you want, or need, to know about me? I presume, I'd I'm going to be - what, hired muscle? Hah, yes I suppose that's accurate. In any case. If I'm to be ‘hired muscle’, you might want to know about me. So, ask.” What questions might a semi-immortal, functional immortal, ask of another? One from another world? I was curious, and this would give me more insight into her mind.

There was a long silence from her, at least she didn’t participate in needless chatter. Finally her questions began. Slow “You...feel familiar - tell me - what sort of being were you on your world and how did you come to this crapfest?”

I blinked. What sort of being was I? I- I let out a laugh. Like calls to like. The laughter swelled. “I was a being of the light, who fought against it in order to protect the dark. My punishment was unique to me, to become embraced by that dark, to bear a curse that affected it but, other than me, never affected one of my Kin.” I was not, not going to say that I was once the Firstborn son of the King of Gods. She did not need that. “And then, I was further cursed, to bear the mark of a wound that killed me. That one is truly unique to me, no other Undead ever bore such a punishment. Of course, they didn't rebel against the gods.” No, most of them served the idiots of my Father and his ilk. One hand came up and rubbed the scar on my neck as I remembered that damn bastard, the one who killed me last.

“So the names and races are different - but in a sense we’re virtually the same…at least strikingly so...” She mused quietly to herself.

“In a way, yes, I suppose so. More similar than different.” I stretched out. “Of course being an Undead - I think an accurate description might be a form of ‘soul vampire’ adds a wrinkle to that.” He shrugged. “But that has just made me immortal.”

“Mmm…” I chuckled and looked over my shoulder at her.

“Being caught between the light and dark does usually end up with people firmly entrenched on one side or the other not approving of you. I've found it best to not reveal it usually, I got tired of the people I was trying to help protect attempting to kill me.” It wasn't the Chosen Undead or the Unkindled One’s fault they'd fallen for the lies of the Gods. At least the last seemed to realize something was wrong as he struck me down.